October 31, 2017

Saints Spyridon and Nikodemos the Prosphora-Bakers of the Kiev Caves

Sts. Spyridon and Nikodemos of the Kiev Caves (Feast Day - October 31)

Saints Spyridon and Nikodemos the Prosphora-Bakers of the Kiev Caves fulfilled their obedience of baking prosphora for thirty years.

Saint Spyridon was a pious and simple man and charitable in his deeds when he came to the monastery in the time of Abbot Pimen (1132-1141), no longer a young man. The ascetic combined his hard work with unceasing prayer and the singing of Psalms. Even during his life Saint Spyridon was glorified by miracles. He was illiterate, but knew the entire Psalter by heart, and would sing the entire Psalter on a daily basis, whether he was chopping wood for the fire, kneading the dough, walking or resting.

Holy Hieromartyr John Kochurov, Missionary to America and First Clergy Martyr of the Russian Revolution (+ 1917)

St. John Kochurov (Feast Day - October 31)

The Life of Saint John Kochurov, Hieromartyr

Missionary in America

First Clergy Martyr of the Russian Revolution

On October 31, 1917, in Tsarskoye Selo, a bright new chapter, full of earthly grief and heavenly joy, was opened in the history of sanctity in the Russian Church: the holiness of the New-Martyrs of the twentieth century. The opening of this chapter is linked to the name of the Russian Orthodox shepherd who became one of the first to give his soul for his flock during this twentieth century of fighters against God: Archpriest John Kochurov.

Saints and Feasts of October 31

On the thirty-first the six Apostles found their end.

Holy Apostles Stachys, Apelles, Amplias, Urban, 
Narcissus and Aristobulus of the Seventy

Holy Apostles Stachys, Apelles, Amplias, Urban, Narcissus and Aristobulus of the Seventy

Holy Martyr Epimachus of Egypt

Holy Martyr Epimachus of Egypt

Commemoration of an Anonymous Confessor

Commemoration of an Anonymous Confessor Under Julian the Apostate

Commemoration of an Anonymous Confessor

Saint James, Bishop of Nisibis (Mygdonia)

Saint James, Bishop of Nisibis

Holy Martyrs Stephen, Barnabas, Trophimos, 
Dorymedon, Kosmas, Damian, Savvas, 
Bassa, Abramius and Those With Them

Holy Martyrs Stephen, Barnabas, Trophimos, Dorymedon, Kosmas, Damian, Savvas, Bassa, Abramius and Those With Them

Holy Child Martyr

Holy Child Martyr

Holy Twelve Maidens

Holy Twelve Maidens

Holy Martyrs Seleukos and Stratonike the Spouses

Holy Martyrs Seleukos and Stratonike the Spouses

Holy Martyrs Gordianos and Epimachos

Holy Martyrs Gordianos and Epimachos

Holy Three Martyrs of Melitene

Holy Three Martyrs of Melitene

Venerable Spyridon and Nikodemos 
the Prosphora-Bakers of the Kiev Caves

Saints Spyridon and Nikodemos the Prosphora-Bakers of the Kiev Caves

100,000 Holy Martyrs of Tbilisi by the Mongols

100,000 Holy Martyrs of Tbilisi By the Muslims

Holy New Martyr Nicholas of Chios

Holy New Martyr Nicholas of Chios (+ 1754)

Holy Hieromartyr John Kochurov, 
Missionary to America and 
First Clergy Martyr of the Russian Revolution

Holy Hieromartyr John Kochurov, Missionary to America and First Clergy Martyr of the Russian Revolution (+ 1917)

October 30, 2017

Holy Hieromartyr Marcian, Bishop of Syracuse

St. Marcian of Syracuse (Feast Day - October 30)


Marcian well-minded in the household of Christ,
Was killed by hanging by the killers of Christ.

Saint Marcian was the father according to the flesh of Saint Pankratios, and while our Lord Jesus Christ was still alive physically on the earth and worked wonders, he heard of His miracles, and taking his son Pankratios and his wife they went from Antioch to Jerusalem to see the Lord, but since He already Ascended to Heaven, they were thus baptized by the Apostle Peter. Marcian and Pankratios then became disciples of the Apostle Peter.

Holy Apostle Cleopas of the Seventy

St. Cleopas the Apostle (Feast Day - October 30)


Cleopas does not see you as before O Word,
But now he sees clearly, delighting in your vision.

Cleopas appears in Luke 24:13-27 as one of two disciples walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Cleopas is named in verse 18, while his companion remains unnamed though he is traditionally identified with the Apostle Luke.

Saint Joseph I Galesiotes, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 1283)

Saint Joseph I of Constantinople (Feast Day - October 30)


Among the Patriarchs Joseph shines greatly,
With the Patriarchs he has a heavenly tent.

Joseph I Galesiotes was a highly educated and virtuous monk who served twice as Patriarch of Constantinople, from 1266 to 1275 and from 1282 until shortly before his death in 1283. He is most notable as an opponent of Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos' (known as the Latin-minded and the Azymite) plans to unite the Orthodox Church with the Catholic Church, for which he is recognized as a confessor by the Orthodox Church.

Saints and Feasts of October 30

Zenobios and his sister were beheaded on the thirtieth.

Holy Martyrs Zenobios and Zenobia the Siblings

Holy Martyrs Zenobios and Zenobia the Siblings

Holy Hieromartyr Marcian, Bishop of Syracuse 
and Disciple of the Apostle Peter

Holy Hieromartyr Marcian, Bishop of Syracuse

Holy Martyrs Alexander, Cronion, Julian, Makarios 
and another Thirteen Companions

Holy Martyrs Alexander, Cronion, Julian, Makarios and another Thirteen Companions

Holy Martyr Eutropia of Alexandria

Holy Martyr Eutropia of Alexandria

Holy Apostle Cleopas of the Seventy

Holy Apostle Cleopas of the Seventy

Holy Martyrs Asterios, Claudius, Neon and Neonilla

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyrs Asterios, Claudius, Neon and Neonilla

Holy Apostles Tertius, Mark, Justus 
and Artemas of the Seventy

Holy Apostles Tertius, Mark, Justus and Artemas of the Seventy

Holy Nine Martyrs

Holy Nine Martyrs

Holy Martyr Manuel

Holy Martyr Manuel

Holy Martyr Dometios of Phrygia

Holy Martyr Dometios

Holy Executioner the Martyr

Holy Executioner the Martyr

Venerable Therapon the Ascetic 
and Wonderworker of Lythrodontas

Saint Therapon the Ascetic and Wonderworker of Lythrodontas

Holy Virgin Martyr Apollonia of Alexandria

Holy Virgin Martyr Apollonia of Alexandria

Saint Joseph I Galesiotes, Patriarch of Constantinople

Saint Joseph I Galesiotes, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 1283)

Venerable Stephen Milutin of Serbia, 
Theoctistus his Brother, and Helen his Mother

Saint Stephen Milutin of Serbia

October 29, 2017

Gospel Commentary for the Seventh Sunday of Luke (St. Theophylact of Ochrid)

Seventh Sunday of Luke

Jairus' Daughter and the 

Woman With an Issue of Blood

Luke 8:41-56

From The Explanation of the Gospel of St. Luke

By Blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Ochrid and Bulgaria

40-44. And it came to pass, that, when Jesus was returned, the multitude gladly received Him: for they were all waiting for Him. And, behold, there came a man named Jairus, and he was ruler of the synagogue: and he fell down at Jesus feet, and besought Him that He would come into his house: for he had one only daughter, about twelve years of age, and she lay a dying. But as he went, the multitude thronged Him. And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, who had spent all her living upon physicians, and could not be healed by any, came behind Him, and touched the border of His garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.

Saints and Feasts of October 29

On the twenty-ninth Anastasia submitted to a sharp sword.

Holy Venerable Martyr Anastasia the Roman

Saint Anastasia the Roman Resource Page

Venerable Abramius and his Niece Mary

Saint Abramius the Recluse and His Niece, Blessed Mary

Holy Martyrs Cyril, Menos and Menaios

Holy Martyrs Cyril, Menos and Menaios at Viglention

Holy Martyr Savvas the General

Holy Martyr Savvas the General

Venerable Anna, 
Who Was Renamed Euphemianos

Saint Anna the New, Who Was Renamed Euphemianos

Holy Martyr Melitini

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyr Melitini

Saint Serapion of Zarzma

Saint Serapion of Zarzma (+ c. 900)

Venerable Abramius of Rostov

Saint Abramius of Rostov (+ 1077)

Holy New Hieromartyr Athanasios of Sparta in Attaleia

Holy New Hieromartyr Athanasios of Sparta in Attaleia (+ 1653)

Holy New Venerable Martyr Timothy of Esphigmenou

Holy New Martyr Timothy of Esphigmenou (+ 1820)

Saint Anastasia the Roman Resource Page

St. Anastasia the Roman (Feast Day - October 29)


You endured beheading with a mighty heart,
Offspring of Rome Martyr Anastasia.
On the twenty-ninth Anastasia submitted to a sharp sword.

Life of Saint Anastasia the Roman (St. Symeon Metaphrastes)

Holy Virgin Martyr Anastasia the Roman

Saint Anastasia the Roman as a Model for our Lives

October 28, 2017

Saint Feofil of the Kiev Caves, the Fool for Christ (+ 1853)

St. Feofil of the Kiev Caves (Feast Day - October 28)

In October 1788, twin boys were born to Andrei and Evfrosiniya Gorenkovsky in the town of Makhnovo near Kyiv. The oldest of them was named Foma and the younger was named Kalliniky.

From his infancy, Foma began to display unusual characteristics and naturally his parents became concerned. He would regularly refuse to drink his mother’s milk and was distant when it came to playful interaction with her. Evfrosiniya began to take this rejection from her son personally and her heart hardened toward him. She thought that he was possessed by a demon and one day devised a plan to destroy him once and for all. Evfrosiniya called her servant and secretly confided in her, telling her to take Foma to the river at the crack of dawn, and throw him in it. The servant begged and pleaded with Evfrosiniya not to make her do such an unthinkable act, but Evfrosiniya’s heart was completely hard and the servant’s pleas fell on deaf ears. In the end, the servant submitted to her.

Saints and Feasts of October 28

On the twenty-eighth Terence endured beatings.

Holy Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos 
at Blachernae and OXI Day

Protection of the Theotokos and OXI Day Resource Page

Holy Martyrs Terence, Neonilla, Sarbelos, Nita, 
Hierakos, Theodoulos, Photios, Bele and Eunike

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyrs Terence and Neonilla with their Seven Children

Venerable Stephen the Sabaite

Two Saints Known as Saint Stephen the Sabaite

Holy Martyrs Terence, Africanus, Maximus, Pompeius
and the Thirty-Six Martyrs With Them.

Holy Martyrs Terence, Africanus, Maximus, Pompeius and the Thirty-Six Martyrs With Them

Venerable Firmilian, Archbishop of Caesarea, and 
Venerable Melchion the Sophist, Presbyter of Antioch

Saints Firmilian, Archbishop of Caesarea, and Melchion the Sophist, Presbyter of Antioch

Saint Febronia, Daughter of Emperor Heraclius

Saint Febronia, Daughter of Emperor Heraclius

Holy Hieromartyr Kyriakos, 
Who Revealed the Honorable Cross to Saint Helen

Holy Hieromartyr Kyriakos of Jerusalem and his Mother Anna

Holy Martyr Anna, Mother of Saint Kyriakos

Holy Hieromartyr Kyriakos of Jerusalem and his Mother Anna

Saint Arsenios Autoreianos, 
Patriarch of Constantinople
Saint Athanasios I, 
Patriarch of Constantinople

Saint Athanasios I, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 1310)

The Relics of Saint Athanasius the Great

Saint Dimitri, Metropolitan of Rostov

Saint Dimitri of Rostov: The Chrysostom of Russia

Holy New Martyrs Angelis, Manuel, George 
and Nicholas of Rethymno in Crete

The Four Holy New Martyrs of Rethymno (+ 1824)

Venerable Feofil the Fool for Christ of the Kiev Caves

Saint Feofil of the Kiev Caves, the Fool for Christ (+ 1853)

The Testament of the Holiest Human Being in Kiev 1853

Synaxis of the Panagia Eleftherotria in Didymoteicho

Church of Panagia Eleftherotria in Didymoteicho

Synaxis of the Panagia Pantanassa

A Hymn to Panagia Pantanassa By Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi

Protection of the Theotokos and OXI Day Resource Page

Protection of the Theotokos and OXI Day (Feast Day - October 28)


With your Protection Pure One, you cover all the faithful,
You have become our Protection, and the salvation of the world.
On the first the mantle of the Pure One covers all who sing hymns to her.

+ + +

With your Protection, Pure One, you cover and comfort,
The faithful who look towards you, O Virgin.
Mother of God the Protection of Greece cover the godly-minded.

Why We Celebrate OHI (OXI) Day in Greek Orthodoxy: The Virgin Mary and World War 2 

October 27, 2017

100 Years After the Bolshevik Revolution: Russian Orthodox Believers Speak

Saint Kyriakos, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 230)

St. Kyriakos of Byzantium (Feast Day - October 27)


Kyriakos departed the earth and life,
To be present with the Lord of Lords.

Saint Kyriakos, also called Kyrillianos, is called the "Patriarch of Constantinople" in the Synaxarion of Constantinople, more than a century before Byzantium was called Constantinople and the Bishop of that area was known as a Patriarch. In fact, Saint Kyriakos was known as the Bishop of Argyropolis and the sixteenth successor after the Apostle Stachys, who was the first Bishop of Byzantium ordained by the Apostle Andrew. Kyriakos lived on the opposite shore of Byzantium at the time, so technically he was known as the Bishop of Argyropolis and Byzantium. He became a Bishop in the year 214.

Saint Nestor the Chronicler of the Kiev Caves (+ 1114)

St. Nestor the Chronicler (Feast Day - October 27)

Saint Nestor the Chronicler of the Kiev Caves, was born at Kiev in 1050. He came to Saint Theodosius (May 3) as a young man of seventeen, and became a novice. Nestor took monastic tonsure under the successor to Saint Theodosius, the abbot Stephen, and under him was ordained a hierodeacon.

Saints and Feasts of October 27

On the twenty-seventh diligent Nestor was beheaded.

Holy Martyr Nestor of Thessaloniki 
Holy Martyrs Capitolina and Erotheis of Cappadocia

Holy Martyrs Capitolina and Erotheis of Cappadocia

Saint Kyriakos I, Patriarch of Constantinople

Saint Kyriakos I, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 230)

Saint Procla, the Wife of Pontius Pilate

Saint Procla, the Wife of Pontius Pilate

Narration Concerning the Iberians as to 
How They Came to the Knowledge of God by a Woman

A Narration on the Conversion of the Iberian Nation by a Woman

Saint Nina of Georgia Resource Page

Venerable Nestor the Chronicler of the Kiev Caves

Saint Nestor the Chronicler of the Kiev Caves (+ 1114)

Venerable Demetrius the New of Basarabov 
Synaxis of the Panagia Kyparissiotissa in Megara

October 26, 2017

Saint Demetrios and Emperor Leo VI the Wise

By John Sanidopoulos

Although Emperor Basil I the Macedonian (867-886) renovated a Church of Saint Demetrios in the city of Constantinople that had probably existed since the early eighth century, transferring in some respects the veneration of the Great Martyr outside of Thessaloniki to the capital of the Roman Empire, there is no indication that he had a special devotion to the Saint, since it was only listed as one among many other churches he built or restored, with no further information if he was a personal patron.

Demetrios took on a new role in the imperial court in the next generation. Like his father, Emperor Leo VI the Wise (886-912) seems to have cultivated the patronage of a number of divine figures. Among these were the Prophet Elijah and the Holy Unmercenaries Kosmas and Damian. And despite the exclusive association of Saint Demetrios with Thessaloniki, Leo showed a keen interest in him. This may have to do with his ideas about the divine protection of the Roman army and the similarities between soldiers and martyrs. It would not be surprising therefore that he would set Saint Demetrios as a model for his his troops. Furthermore, Saint Demetrios became famous for protecting the city of Thessaloniki from all manner of calamities and enemies, furthering his status as a patron of the imperial army and expanding his veneration to the ever-besieged Constantinople.

Saint Demetrios of Thessaloniki, Greater than Righteous Job (St. Gregory Palamas)

By St. Gregory Palamas

What we said of Job from the land of Uz could refer to Demetrios at that time, that "there was none like him in the earth" (Job 1:8). In fact, even Job himself, of whom it is written that there was none like him among men (Job 2:3 LXX), did not resemble Demetrios, who was holy in every way.

Job, in an earlier time, had certainly been blameless, righteous and God-fearing, just as Demetrios was later shown to be. But Job could not be praised for virginity, whereas virginity marked out Demetrios as victoriously crowned from his youth, superior to human nature, and a match for the angels who surround God. And whereas Job's body was severely wounded in his fight against evil (Job 2:8, 13), Demetrios struggled with evil to the point of shedding his last drop of blood.

Saint Theophilus of the Kiev Caves and Archbishop of Novgorod (+ 1484)

Saint Theophilus of the Kiev Caves was chosen Archbishop of Novgorod by lot after the death of the holy hierarch Jonah (Nov. 5). He was elevated to the dignity of Archbishop of Novgorod on December 15, 1472 at Moscow. Until his elevation, he had pursued asceticism in the Otensk Monastery and was protodeacon under Archbishop Jonah and sacristan of the monastery.

A harsh destiny was allotted the Saint in the guidance of the Novgorod flock. The mayor Martha Boretskaya and her adherents stirred up and agitated the people against the Great Prince of Moscow, Ivan III. The monk Pimen, a Boretskaya partisan, roused enmity against the archbishop in the flock. Some of the Novgorod populace were inclined to go over to the side of Lithuania. Unfaithful to the Moscow principality, they were prepared to fall into apostasy.

Saints and Feasts of October 26

On the twenty-sixth spears pierced the side of Demetrios.

Holy and All-Glorious Great Martyr and 
Wonderworker Demetrios the Myrrhgusher

Saint Demetrios of Thessaloniki Resource Page

Commemoration of the Transfer of the Icon of 
Saint Demetrios from Thessaloniki to Constantinople

Commemoration of the Transfer of the Icon of St. Demetrios from Thessaloniki to Constantinople

Holy Martyrs Artemidoros and Basil

Holy Martyr Leptina

Holy Martyr Glykon

Holy Martyrs Lucian and Marcian

Venerable Athanasios of Medikion Monastery

Saint Theophilus of the Kiev Caves 
and Archbishop of Novgorod

Venerable Kosmas of Yakhrom

Holy New Venerable Martyr Joasaph

Saint Demetrios of Misti-Konaklı 
near Nigde in Cappadocia

Translation of the Sacred Relic of the 
Holy New Martyr George of Ioannina

October 25, 2017

Narration Concerning the Contest of a Certain Submissive Monk, Who by Falling Into Disobedience Was Not Made Worthy by God of Perfect Glory


Narration Concerning the Contest of a Certain Submissive Monk, Who by Falling Into Disobedience Was Not Made Worthy by God of Perfect Glory


Disobedient and at the same an athlete,
He is banished, and once again received.

A monk in a certain hermitage was subservient to an elder for a period of some years. By the envy of a demon, one time he strayed from being obedient to the elder, without there being any sensible reason or hurtful pretext. Having been censured by the elder and and given a penance for his disobedience, he disregarded both the censure and the penance. Going therefore to Alexandria, he was arrested by the pagan governor there. Having been stripped of his monastic schema, he was urged to sacrifice to the idols. Because the governor was unable to persuade him, first he was ordered to be flogged with the sinews of an ox without mercy, then the order was given that he be beheaded. When this was done, they cast his body outside the city, to be eaten by the dogs. However, some God-loving Christians went by night and retrieved the body. Wrapping it in a sheet with myrrh, they placed it in a casket. This casket was placed in the Holy Altar of the church, and they honored it as a victorious relic.

Saints and Feasts of October 25

On the twenty-fifth Markianos and Martyrios were beheaded.

Holy Martyrs Markianos and Martyrios the Notaries

Holy Martyrs Markianos and Martyrios the Notaries

Holy Martyr Anastasios the Fuller

Holy Martyr Anastasios the Fuller at Salona in Dalmatia

Holy Martyr Valerinus

Holy Martyr Valerinus

Holy Martyr Sabinos

Holy Martyr Sabinos

Holy Martyrs Valerius and Chrysaphios

Holy Martyrs Valerius and Chrysaphios

Saint Tabitha, 
Who Was Raised From the Dead by the Apostle Peter
Holy Martyr Varus of Egypt

Holy Martyr Varus and the Devout Cleopatra (St. Dimitri of Rostov)

Holy Martyr Varus and the Devout Cleopatra (St. Nikolai Velimirovich)

Venerable George, Bishop of Amastris
Holy Martyrs Papias, Diodoros and Claudius

Holy Martyrs Faustus, Basil and Silouan 
at Darion in Constantinople

Holy Martyrs Nikephoros and Stephen

Saints Philadelphos and Polykarpos

Venerable Makarios, Bishop of Paphos

Holy Two Martyrs of Thrace

Commemoration of the Great Miracle of 
Panagia Prousiotissa on October 25, 1918


Saints and Feasts of the Last Sunday of October

Commemoration of the Miracle of 
Saint Nicholas the New in 1943

A Miracle of St. Nicholas the New in 1943

October 24, 2017

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Joy of All Who Sorrow" of Moscow

Mother of God "Joy of All who Sorrow" (Feast Day - October 24)

The Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” is a Theotokos image without a single compositional pattern which is encountered in many versions. Many icons of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” are miraculous. The icons of the “Joy of All Who Sorrow” appeared not later than the 1680's. Russian chronicles say that in 1683 the royal artist I.A. Bezmin painted an icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow”, but say nothing of the icon composition. A similar icon was also housed in the Saint Alexis Monastery in Arzamas and, according to a 1686 inventory, featured the Mother of God with two angels.

Saint Elesbaan, King of Ethiopia (+ 555)

St. Elesbaan of Axum (Feast Day - October 24)

Saint Elesbaan, also known as Kaleb, was King of Ethiopia, and lived when Arabia was ruled by Dunaan, the oppressor of Christians. The pious Elesbaan was unable to look on indifferently as believers in Christ were being massacred. He declared war on Dunaan, but his military campaign was unsuccessful.

Saints and Feasts of October 24

On the twenty-fourth Arethas and those with him 
were beheaded.

Holy Great Martyr Arethas and Those With Him

Saint Arethas the Great Martyr and the Christian Martyrs of Najran

Holy Mother and Child Martyred With Saint Arethas

Saint Arethas the Great Martyr and the Christian Martyrs of Najran

Holy Martyr Sebastiane of Heraclea

Synaxarion of Holy Martyr Sebastiane of Heraclea

Holy Martyrs Mark, Soterichos and Valentina

Holy Martyrs Mark, Soterichos and Valentina

Holy Hieromartyr Akakios the Presbyter

Holy Hieromartyr Akakios the Presbyter

Holy Martyr Nerdon

Holy Martyr Nerdon

Saint Senoch of Tours the Healer
Saint Eberigisil, Bishop of Cologne 
Saint Elesbaan, King of Ethiopia

Saint Elesbaan, King of Ethiopia (+ 555)

Venerable Arethas the Recluse of the Kiev Caves 
Venerable Sisoes the Recluse of the Kiev Caves
Venerable John the Hermit of Pskov 
Venerable Eudokia the Fool for Christ of Ryazan
Synaxis of the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos 
"The Joy of All Who Sorrow" of Moscow

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Joy of All Who Sorrow" of Moscow

October 23, 2017

Synaxarion of the Holy Apostle and First Bishop of Jerusalem James the Brother of God

St. James the Brother of God (Feast Day - October 23)


The brother was hurled to the condemning club,
By this the all-blessed one died being struck with a club.
On the twenty-third the good brother of God was struck with a club.

Saint James the Brother of God was the first Bishop of Jerusalem, having been ordained by the Lord Himself. He was also the first to write the Divine Liturgy, having been taught regarding it by the Master Christ Himself. This was later shortened by Basil the Great, and again that of Basil the Great was shortened by the divine Chrysostom due to the weakness of the listeners.

Saint Petronios, Disciple of Saint Pachomios the Great

Saint Petronios of Egypt (Feast Day - October 23)


Covered by a rock Moses sees God,
And Petronios also, in the heavens on a rock.

Saint Petronios was a fourth-century monk who was a disciple of and briefly the successor of Saint Pachomios as head of the monastic community at Tabennisi, Egypt. Petronios was born of well-to-do parents in the city of Pjoj, in the diocese of Diospolis Parva (Hiw). Moved by the Spirit of God, he withdrew from the world and built a monastery on the property of his parents, where he gathered about him "anyone who wanted to live in Christ." The monastery, called Tbow, was situated on the west bank of the Nile, much farther north than Tmoushons, almost opposite Shmin. He also converted his father, Pshenthbo, and his brother, Pshenapalhi, "with all their household," to the monastic life. When he learned of the holy community of Pachomios, he asked him to receive the monks of Tbow into it. Pachomios came with his brothers and established at Tbow the rules of the other monasteries of the community.

Translation of the Relics of Saint James of Borovichi, Wonderworker of Novgorod, in 1544

Most of the details of the life of Saint James are unknown, though he is said to have been a Fool for Christ from his youth and a ship-worker who died young perhaps by being struck by lightning, but the Lord glorified him after death.

In the year 1540, on the third day of Pascha, a large block of ice floated up against the current along the River Msta to the village of Borovichi (in the district of Novgorod), and on this block of ice stood the coffin (made from an oak log) without cover, in which the incorrupt body of the youth lay. Shunning the holy relics, peasants with poles pushed the block of ice back into the river, but it returned to the shore. This was repeated three times. That night the youth appeared in a dream to the elders of the village, who had seen him upon the ice-flow, and said, “I am also a Christian just like you. Don’t push me away. My name is James. I am the namesake of Saint James, the Brother of God.”

Saints and Feasts of October 23

On the twenty-third the good brother of God 
was struck with a club.

Holy Apostle and First Bishop of Jerusalem 
James the Brother of God

Apostle James the Brother of God Resource Page

Saint Ignatios, Patriarch of Constantinople

Saint Ignatios, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 877)

Venerable Nikephoros, 
Who Founded a Monastery in Charsianon

Saint Nikephoros, Who Founded a Monastery in Charsianon

Venerable Makarios the Roman

Saint Makarios the Roman of Mesopotamia

Venerable Petronios

Saint Petronios, Disciple of Saint Pachomios the Great

Holy Two Child Martyrs

Holy Two Child Martyrs

Translation of the Relics of Saint James of Borovichi, 
Wonderworker of Novgorod

Translation of the Relics of Saint James of Borovichi, Wonderworker of Novgorod, in 1544

Apostle James the Brother of God Resource Page

St. James the Just and Brother of God (Feast Day - October 23)


The brother was hurled to the condemning club,
By this the all-blessed one died being struck with a club.
On the twenty-third the good brother of God was struck with a club.

Synaxarion of the Holy Apostle and First Bishop of Jerusalem James the Brother of God

Holy Apostle James, the Brother of God

October 22, 2017

Commemoration of the Miraculous Deliverance of Moscow and Russia from the Poles in 1612

The end of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth centuries is known in Russian history as the "Time of Troubles.” The country suffered the onslaught of Polish–Lithuanian armies, which scoffed at the Orthodox faith, plundering and burning churches, cities and villages. Through deceit they succeeded in taking Moscow during the reign of Prince Basil Ivanovich. In response to the appeal of His Holiness Patriarch Hermogenes (May 12), the Russian people rose up in defense of its native land. From Kazan, the wonderworking icon of the Mother of God was sent to the army headed by Prince Demetrius Pozharsky.