Many many thanks to all those who contributed to match a generous $3000 donation from an anonymous donor. The goal was attained this past weekend. It is because of people like you that the Mystagogy Resource Center can continue to offer unique material to all for free on a daily basis that I hope people find beneficial. For those who still wish to contribute, please do so, with much gratitude in return. God bless you all!

October 13, 2017

Saint Benjamin of the Kiev Caves

St. Benjamin of the Kiev Caves (Feast Day - October 13)

Saint Benjamin of the Kiev Caves lived during the fourteenth century, and before accepting monasticism was an important and wealthy merchant. Once at the time of divine services Saint Benjamin applied to his own case the words of the Psalmist about "the mouth that speaks lies and the tongue that has set forth deceit" (Ps. 11:3; 49:19). "Where is the merchant," he said to himself, "who has never told a lie and who will be able to escape punishment?" A little later he felt deeply in his heart the words of the Savior: "It is difficult for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God" (Mt. 19:23). After distributing his wealth to the needy, Saint Benjamin became a monk at the Kiev Caves Lavra, “pleasing the Lord by fasting and prayer and poverty and obedience even unto death.” He was buried in the Far Caves of Saint Theodosius.