February 26, 2018

Saints and Feasts of March 9

On the ninth the legs of the forty men were broken.

Holy Forty Great Martyrs of Sebaste

Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste Resource Page

Holy Martyr Urpasianos

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyr Urpasianos

Saint Caesarius of Nazianzus, 
Brother of Gregory the Theologian

Saint Caesarius of Nazianzus, Brother of Gregory the Theologian

Holy Grandfather, Grandmother, Father, Mother
and Two Children Martyrs
Venerable Vitalis of Castronovo in Sicily
Holy Forty-Two Martyrs of Momisici

Forty-Two Martyrs of Momisici Canonized

Holy New Martyrs Christos the Priest and Panagos

Holy New Martyrs Christos the Priest and Panagos (+ 1716)

Saints and Feasts of March 8

On the eighth Theophylaktos went near to God.

Venerable Theophylaktos, Bishop of Nicomedia

Saint Theophylaktos, Bishop of Nicomedia (+ c. 840)

Saint Theophylaktos of Nicomedia as a Model for our Lives

Venerable Paul the Confessor, Bishop of Prusia

Saint Paul the Confessor, Bishop of Prusia

Holy Apostle Hermas of the Seventy

Holy Apostle Hermas of the Seventy

Holy Martyr Dion

Holy Martyr Dion

Venerable Dometios

Venerable Dometios

Saint Pontius of Carthage 
Saint Felix, Bishop of Dunwich
Venerable Lazarus of Murom 
Commemoration of the Miracle of the Kursk-Root Icon 
of the Mother of God in 1898

Saints and Feasts of March 7

On the seventh the seven fathers were carried off in death.

Holy Seven Hieromartyrs of Chersonesos, 
the Bishops Ephraim, Basil, Eugenios, Agathodoros, 
Elpidios, Aitherios and Kapiton

Synaxarion of the Holy Seven Hieromartyrs of Chersonesos

Saints Arkadios and Nestor,
Bishops of Tremithus in Cyprus

Saints Arkadios and Nestor, Bishops of Tremithus in Cyprus

Venerable Paul the Simple
Saint Ephraim, Patriarch of Antioch 
Venerable Laurentios of Megara, 
Founder of the Sacred Monastery 
of Phaneromenis in Salamina

Saint Laurentios of Megara, Founder of the Sacred Monastery of Phaneromenis in Salamina

The Wonderworking Icon of the Venerable Laurentios in Nea Ionia

Saint Aimilianos the Roman 
with his Companions James and Marianos

Saint Aimilianos the Roman

Holy Martyr and Confessor Johannes of Ilomantsi

Holy Martyr and Confessor Johannes of Ilomantsi (+ 1918)

Two New Saints from Finland Canonized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate

Synaxis of All Saints of the Dodecanese

Synaxis of All Saints of the Dodecanese

February 25, 2018

Saints and Feasts of March 6

On the sixth the heads of the forty-two were cut off together.

Holy Forty-Two Great Martyrs of Ammoria

Holy Forty-Two Martyrs of Ammoria in Phrygia (+ 845)

The Holy 42 Martyrs of Amorium as Models for our Lives

Venerable Arkadios of Cyprus

Venerable Arkadios of Cyprus with the Holy Martyrs Julian and Euboulos

Holy Martyrs Julian and Euboulos

Venerable Arkadios of Cyprus with the Holy Martyrs Julian and Euboulos

Venerable Hesychios the Wonderworker

Synaxarion of our Venerable Father Hesychios the Wonderworker

Holy Venerable Martyr Maximos

Holy Venerable Martyr Maximos

Holy Martyr Euphrosynos

Holy Martyr Euphrosynos

Venerable Job (in schema Joshua) of Anzersk

Saint Job (in schema Joshua) of Anzersk (+ 1720)

Commemoration of the Finding of the Honorable Cross 
and Nails by Saint Helen
Finding of the Miraculous Icon 
of Jesus Christ at Agia Moni

The Miraculous Icon of Jesus Christ at Agia Moni

Saints and Feasts of March 5

On the fifth Conon released his stout-hearted soul.

Holy Venerable Martyr Conon of Isauria 

Holy Martyr Nestor, 
Father of Saint Conon of Isauria

Synaxarion of the Holy Venerable Martyr Conon of Isauria

Holy Martyr Conon the Gardner

Holy Martyr Conon the Gardener

Venerable Mark the Ascetic and Wonderworker
Venerable Mark the Hermit of Athens

Saint Mark the Anchorite of Athens

Venerable Mark the Hermit

Holy Martyr Eulogios of Palestine

Holy Martyr Eulogios of Palestine

Holy Martyr Eulampios of Palestine

Holy Martyr Eulampios of Palestine

Holy Martyr Archelaos and the
One Hundred and Fifty-Two Martyrs With Him

Holy Martyr Archelaos and the One Hundred and Fifty-Two Martyrs With Him

Holy Venerable Martyr Adrian of Poshekhonye
and his fellow-ascetic Venerable Leonid
Holy New Martyr John of Bulgaria

Holy New Martyr John of Bulgaria (+ 1784)

Holy New Hieromartyr Parthenios Partheniades 

Holy New Martyr George of Rapsani 
Saint Nikolai Velimirovich, 
Bishop of Ochrid and Zhicha

Saint Nikolai Velimirovich, the Serbian Chrysostom (+ 1956)

Saint Nikolai Velimirovich, Bishop of Ochrid and Zhicha

Response To Slanders Against St. Nikolai Velimirovich and St. Justin Popovich

Uncovering of the Relics of the Holy Prince 
Theodore of Smolensk and his Children 

Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas Resource Page


The fountain of light leadeth unto the unwaning light,
The radiant herald of the light and the truly great mind.
Second Sunday of Great Lent, or the
Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas 

Saint Gregory Palamas Resource Page 
Saint Athanasius "the Resurrected", Recluse of the Kiev Caves
Third Week of Great Lent 

Saints and Feasts of March 4

On the fourth Gerasimos departed life.

Venerable Gerasimos of Jordan

Saint Gerasimos of Jordan Resource Page

Holy Martyrs Paul and Juliana

Holy Martyrs Paul and Juliana of Ptolemais

Holy Martyrs Kodratos, Akakios and Stratonikos

Holy Martyrs Paul and Juliana of Ptolemais

Saint Gregory, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus

Saint Gregory, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus

Saint Gregory, Bishop of Assos

Saint Gregory, Bishop of Assos, and the Discovery of His Relics in 1935

Venerable Gerasimus of Vologda

Saint Gerasimus of Vologda (+ 1178)

Holy Right-Believing Prince Basil of Rostov

Holy Right-Believing Prince Basil of Rostov (+ 1238)

Holy Hieromartyrs Joasaph of Snetogorsk 
and Basil of Mirozh

Holy Hieromartyrs Joasaph of Snetogorsk and Basil of Mirozh (+ 1299)

Holy Right-Believing Prince Daniel of Moscow
Venerable Nikanor of Hilandar 


Saints and Feasts of March 3

On the third Eutropios contended for the prize 
on the wood of the cross.

Holy Martyr Eutropios, Kleonikos and Basiliskos

Saints Eutropios, Kleonikos and Basiliskos the Martyrs

Holy Hieromartyr Theodoret, Presbyter of Antioch

Synaxarion of the Holy Hieromartyr Theodoret of Antioch

Saints Zenon and Zoilos

Saints Zenon and Zoilos

Venerable Piamun the Virgin

Holy Amma Piamun the Virgin of Egypt

The Unknown Maiden

The Unknown Maiden

Saint John Chrysostom IV, Catholicos of Georgia

Saint John Chrysostom IV, Catholicos of Georgia (+ 1001) and Saint John Chrysostom V, Catholicos of Georgia (+ 1048)

Saint John Chrysostom V, Catholicos of Georgia

Saint John Chrysostom IV, Catholicos of Georgia (+ 1001) and Saint John Chrysostom V, Catholicos of Georgia (+ 1048)

Synaxis of the Volokolamsk Icon of the Mother of God

Synaxis of the Volokolamsk Icon of the Mother of God

Saints and Feasts of March 2

On the second Hesychios hastened to ascend to the heavens.

Holy Martyr Hesychios the Senator

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyr Hesychios the Senator

Holy Hieromartyr Theodotos, 
Bishop of Kyrenia in Cyprus

Holy Hieromartyr Theodotos, Bishop of Kyrenia in Cyprus (+ 326)

Holy Confessor Kointos the Wonderworker

Synaxarion of the Holy Confessor Kointos the Wonderworker

Holy Martyrs Nestor and Tribimios

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyrs Nestor and Tribimios

Holy Martyr Troadios and Those With Him

Holy Martyr Troadios of Neocaesarea and Those With Him

Holy Martyr and Virgin Euthalia

Holy Virgin and Martyr Euthalia of Sicily

Saint Euthalia as a Model for our Lives

Holy Martyrs Andronikos and Athanasia

Holy Martyrs Andronikos and Athanasia

Holy Four-Hundred and Forty Martyrs 
Who Were Killed by the Lombards

The Four-Hundred and Forty Martyrs Who Were Killed by the Lombards

Saint Arsenius, Bishop of Tver
Venerable Sabbatius of Tver

Saint Sabbatius of Tver (+ 1434)

Venerable Joachim of Ithaca

Saint Joachim the Papoulakis Resource Page

Saint Nicholas Planas

Saint Nicholas Planas Resource Page

Synaxis of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God

Miracle on the Day of the Abdication Of Tsar Nicholas II (March 2, 1917)

The Enthroned (or "Reigning") Mother of God Icon

Saints and Feasts of March 1

On the first of March Eudokia endured the sword.

Holy Venerable Martyr Eudokia the Samaritan

Holy Martyr Eudokia the Samaritan of Heliopolis

Saint Eudokia the Samaritan as a Model for our Lives

Venerable Domnina the New

Saint Domnina the New of Syria

Holy Martyr Antonina

Saint Antonina the Martyr of Nicaea

Holy Martyrs Markellos and Anthony

Holy Martyrs Markellos and Anthony

Holy Martyrs Sylvestor and Sophronios

Holy Martyrs Sylvestor and Sophronios

Holy Martyr Nestorianos

Holy Martyr Nestorianos

Holy Martyrs Charisios, Nikephoros and Agapios

Holy Martyrs Charisios, Nikephoros and Agapios

Venerable Agapios of Vatopaidi

Saint Agapios of Vatopaidi

Venerable Synesios of Lysi in Cyprus 
Saint David, Bishop of Wales  

Venerable Martyrius of Zelenets

Saint Martyrius of Zelenets (+ 1603)

Holy New Martyr Paraskevas of Trebizond 
Venerable Mother Zosima of Ennatsky

Sunday of Orthodoxy Resource Page


I rejoice on seeing the Icons that were unworthily,
Banished being accorded fitting veneration.
Sunday of Orthodoxy  
Commentary on the Gospel Reading for the First Sunday of Great Lent (St. Cyril of Alexandria) 
Synodikon of Orthodoxy 
Second Week of Great Lent 

Reflection for the Sunday of Orthodoxy (St. Theophan the Recluse)

By St. Theophan the Recluse

The Sunday of Orthodoxy.[1] Do not forget the right word[2] which you spoke to God, renewing your covenant with Him which you broke through your negligence. Remember how and why you broke it and try to avoid being unfaithful again. Pretty words are not glorious; faithfulness is glorious. Is it not glorious to have a covenant with a king? How much more glorious is it to have a covenant with the King of kings! But this glory becomes your disgrace if you are not faithful to this covenant. How many great people have been glorified since the beginning of the world! And all of them have been glorified for their faithfulness, in which they stood firm, regardless of great misfortunes and sorrows as a result of this faithfulness. They had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: "They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; Of whom the world was not worthy: they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth…. Wherefore, seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith (Heb. 11:36–38; 12:1–2).


[1] The first Sunday of Great Lent is called “The Sunday of Orthodoxy,” and celebrates the restoration of the veneration of Icons and the victory of Orthodoxy over the Iconoclast heresy.

[2] “The right word” is a reference to the meaning of the word “Orthodox” in Russian, which is literally “rightly glorifying.”