September 20, 2017

Saints and Feasts of September 20

On the twentieth Eustathios with his wife and his sons 
were burned.

Holy Great Martyr Eustathios 
together with his wife Theopisti 
and his two sons Agapios and Theopistos

Saint Eustathios Plakidas Resource Page

Holy Confessors Ypatios the Bishop 
and Andrew the Presbyter

Synaxarion of the Holy Confessors Ypatios the Bishop and Andrew the Presbyter

Holy Confessors Martin the Pope of Rome 
and Maximus the Most-Wise

Synaxarion of the Holy Confessors Pope Martin of Rome, Maximus the Most-Wise, Theodore, Euprepios and Two Named Anastasios

Saint Martin the Confessor, Pope of Rome (+ 655)

Saint Maximus the Confessor Resource Page

Holy Confessors Anastasios and Anastasios, 
Disciples of Saint Maximus the Confessor

Synaxarion of the Holy Confessors Pope Martin of Rome, Maximus the Most-Wise, Theodore, Euprepios and Two Named Anastasios

Holy Confessors Theodore and Euprepios, 
Disciples of Saint Maximus the Confessor

Synaxarion of the Holy Confessors Pope Martin of Rome, Maximus the Most-Wise, Theodore, Euprepios and Two Named Anastasios

Holy Martyrs Artemidoros and Thallos

Holy Martyrs Artemidoros and Thallos

Venerable Meletios, Bishop of Cyprus

Saints Isaac and Meletios, Bishops of Cyprus

Holy Venerable Martyr John the Egyptian 
and the Forty Martyrs With Him

Holy Venerable Martyr John the Egyptian and the Forty Martyrs With Him

Venerable John the Stranger of Crete

Saint John the Stranger, Enlightener of Crete (+ 1031)

The Testament of Saint John the Stranger (Ioannes o Xenos)

Saint Eustathios Kataphloros, 
Archbishop of Thessaloniki

Saint Eustathios Kataphloros, Archbishop of Thessaloniki (+ 1195)

Holy Martyrs Michael the Prince of Chernigov 
and Theodore his Boyar

Holy Prince Oleg of Briansk, 
who was Tonsured with the name Basil

Holy Prince Oleg of Briansk, who was Tonsured with the name Basil (+ 1285)

Holy New Venerable Martyr Hilarion of Crete

Holy New Martyr Hilarion the New of Crete (+ 1804)

Synaxis of the Panagia Voulkaniotissa in Messenia

Synaxis of the Panagia Voulkaniotissa in Messinia