January 20, 2010
In a few days Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia will celebrate his one year anniversary at the helm of the Russian Orthodox Church.
From the first day of his election Patriarch Kirill has next to him at the Patriarchal residence in Peredelkino of Moscow his spiritual father.
Romfea.gr is distributing today exclusive pictures of the priest-monk Starets Ilia of Optina, who according to sources is the spiritual father of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow.
According to sources, one day Starets Ilia, though he was in his monastery at Optina, was informed that a Russian officer was wounded in Chechnya and that for five months was in a coma.
The doctors could not do anything because the bullet with which he was hit was only five millimeters from his heart.
Elder Ilia then went to the hospital where the officer was and, having read over him a prayer, he lifted his eyes to heaven and said: "That which is impossible with men is possible with God."
Not two minutes passed and the officer awoke from his coma, which he was in for a few months prior.