
January 11, 2021

Panagia Prousiotissa and the Lamp That Has Burned for 1200 Years

For 1200 years the oil lamp of the Panagia has never been extinguished.

Even when one monk was here, the oil lamp was lit.

Imagine how much pain was heard by her Grace over the past 1200 years, how many candles were lit, how many oil lamps, and how many Saints passed through here.

The amazing thing is that our Panagia has a special Grace, and the more you greet her the more you want to come back.

You see how many pilgrims are here? They greeted the Panagia, and until they leave they will return five times, and when they go outside, they will come back in to greet her again.

- Elder Ioanikkios,
Abbot of the Monastery of Panagia Prousiotissa

(From the television program, Eikones. Translation by John Sanidopoulos.)

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