Many many thanks to all those who contributed to match a generous $3000 donation from an anonymous donor. The goal was attained this past weekend. It is because of people like you that the Mystagogy Resource Center can continue to offer unique material to all for free on a daily basis that I hope people find beneficial. For those who still wish to contribute, please do so, with much gratitude in return. God bless you all!

January 4, 2011

Venerable Nikephoros the Leper: Hymns and Photos

Read about the venerable leper Nikephoros at this link: The Venerable Nikephoros the Leper (1890-1964)

Apolytikion in the Third Tone
Angels were awestruck by your struggles and your brave asceticism Venerable Nikephoros the Leper. As another Job in his pain you endured glorifying God and He arranged for you a glorious crown of miracles. Rejoice you who lead monastics by the hand, Rejoice projector of light, Rejoice joyful fragrance issuing forth from your relics.

Kontakion in the Second Tone
Shunning pain and bodily corruption. as a horse you lead towards the heavens, Venerable Nikephoros, the steadfast support of lepers. As a brilliantly lit temple of God, in sickness your body shined.

You are a living icon of virtue, and similar, Father, to Job in patience. You endured sorrows and were well-pleasing to God, therefore posthumously you were fragrant.

Απολυτίκιο. Ήχος γ΄. Θείας πίστεως.
Θείον σμάραγδον ευρέ, ψυχή μου, ανιχνεύουσα εν ασθενείαις, Νικηφόρον σεμνόν και αθόρυβον· τον υπομείναντα πάθη του σώματος και ως χαράν την οδύνην δεξάμενον. Πάτερ όσιε, εκ θείου σταυρού, ως άγγελος, ελθέ και τους εν Γη νοσούντας ίασαι.

Κοντάκιο. Ήχος β΄. Τα άνω ζητών.
Εκ πόνου φυγών και της φθοράς του σώματος, ως έφιππος νυν οδεύεις προς ουράνια, Νικηφόρε όσιε, των λεπρών ακλόνητων στήριγμα, ως γαρ ναός υπέρλαμπρος Θεού εν ασθενεία το σώμα σου έλαμψεν!

Έμψυχος εικών συ της αρετής, ομοιώθης, πάτερ, τω Ιώβ τη υπομονή, υπέμεινας θλίψεις Θεώ ευαρεστήσας, διό και μετά θάνατον ευωδίασας.