[It's astonishing to me that California would celebrate a man like Harvey Milk. Granted, the movie had some superb acting and Sean Penn may have deserved his academy award, but it also left out a lot of truth. For the truth about Harvey Milk, see the video here. - J.S.]
Jim Brown
The chairman of the Orange County (California) Board of Education says she is "appalled" that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is asking schools to set aside a day to honor a controversial homosexual activist.
Schwarzenegger signed a bill earlier this week creating an annual day of recognition for Harvey Milk. The designation of each May 22 as "Harvey Milk Day" encourages schools around the state to commemorate the murdered homosexual politician and activist. (See earlier story)
Last month, the Orange County Board of Education voted unanimously (5-0) to oppose the creation of Harvey Milk Day. Dr. Alexandria Coronado, chairman of that board, says she is "absolutely furious" that the homosexual community is claiming that passage of the Harvey Milk bill is a civil rights victory.
"I think it just absolutely denigrates the entire civil rights movement. Homosexuality is not a civil right," Coronado emphasizes.
"I don't remember the last time that a homosexual person was forced to move out of their seat on a public bus, like Rosa Parks. And I don't remember the last time that a homosexual person or student...was forced to go to a segregated school, as in the case of Mendez v. Westminster, which took place right here in Orange County, California."
Dr. Coronado says she also opposes Harvey Milk Day because several Californians are more worthy than Milk of a special day of recognition, including the late President Ronald Reagan and former Governor Pat Brown. She also argues that Harvey Milk Day wastes school staff time and money that could be used for more educational purposes.