Many many thanks to all those who contributed to match a generous $3000 donation from an anonymous donor. The goal was attained this past weekend. It is because of people like you that the Mystagogy Resource Center can continue to offer unique material to all for free on a daily basis that I hope people find beneficial. For those who still wish to contribute, please do so, with much gratitude in return. God bless you all!

September 17, 2021

Saint Anastasios the Weaver and the Healing of the Paralyzed Turk in 1918

The following is the testimony of Michael Christodoulos, of a miracle that took place in Cyprus:

"In 1918 I was seven years old. My father, who was the commissioner of the church [of Saint Anastasios the Wonderworker and Weaver, in the now occupied Peristeronopigi, in the province of Famagusta], always took me with him when Saint Anastasios celebrated [on September 17].

On September 16, after dinner, I was with other children outside the old church, among those who had come for the festival. Then they brought in a big cart a paralyzed Turk from Anglisides [a community of the province of Larnaca].

The Turks who accompanied him wanted to put him in the church [to stay overnight and be healed]. We children and some others protested and shouted not to put the Turk in the church.

Despite our protests, the Turks, together with Papa-Therapos and my father, took him out of his bed and locked him in all night. The next morning I was very curious to go again with my father to see what happened to the Turk.

When we went, we found the other commissioners and the lamp-lighter. We opened the church and I saw the Turk walking and going out towards his sheets, which had been left out the night before.

This Turk, after his healing, gave Saint Anastasios a huge olive tree, the largest in Cyprus, which at that time had 40 pillars for support. As a commissioner, I later went with Papa-Therapos and we rented it.

The olive grove was later bought by a man from Anglisides who came from England. This olive, as far as I know, existed in Anglisides until recently."