Many many thanks to all those who contributed to match a generous $3000 donation from an anonymous donor. The goal was attained this past weekend. It is because of people like you that the Mystagogy Resource Center can continue to offer unique material to all for free on a daily basis that I hope people find beneficial. For those who still wish to contribute, please do so, with much gratitude in return. God bless you all!

May 5, 2021

The Icon of Saint George That Soared in the Air and Was Bathed in Light

Symela Spyridopoulou, who took great care of the Elder [Saint George Karslides (+ 1959)] from the beginning, narrated the following:

"One day when I was at the monastery I had to go home for a bit to get something.

When I returned I entered the church. There was no one.

As I turned my head, I saw the icon of Saint George the Trophy-Bearer soaring in the air and bathed in light.

Frightened by this, I started screaming.

The Elder heard me and came and said to me:

'Why are you screaming, my good woman? What are you looking at? It would be better for you to do three prostrations and greet the Saint.'

He then proceeded ahead of me, kissed the icon, then I kissed it and and the light disappeared, with the icon returning to its place.

After that, the Elder's skin color became amber."

From the book Όσιος Γεώργιος της Δράμας, Ο Άγιος των πτωχών και των πονεμένων, έκδοση Ιεράς Μονής Αναλήψεως του Σωτήρος, Ταξιάρχες (Σίψα), Δράμα. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.