Many many thanks to all those who contributed to match a generous $3000 donation from an anonymous donor. The goal was attained this past weekend. It is because of people like you that the Mystagogy Resource Center can continue to offer unique material to all for free on a daily basis that I hope people find beneficial. For those who still wish to contribute, please do so, with much gratitude in return. God bless you all!

April 17, 2020

Holy and Great Friday: Scripture Readings

Holy and Great Friday

Royal 1st Hour, Prophecy: Zechariah 11:10-13
Royal 1st Hour, Epistle: Galatians 6:14-18
Royal 1st Hour, Gospel: Matthew 27:1-56

Royal 3rd Hour, Prophecy: Isaiah 50:4-11
Royal 3rd Hour, Epistle: Romans 5:6-11
Royal 3rd Hour, Gospel: Mark 15:16-41

Royal 6th Hour, Prophecy: Isaiah 52:13-54:1 or Amos 8:9-12
Royal 6th Hour, Epistle: Hebrews 2:11-18
Royal 6th Hour, Gospel: Luke 23:32-49

Royal 9th Hour, Prophecy: Jeremiah 11:18-12:5,9-11,14-15
Royal 9th Hour, Epistle: Hebrews 10:19-31
Royal 9th Hour, Gospel: John 18:28-19:37

Apokathelosis Vespers, 1st Reading: Exodus 33:11-23
Apokathelosis Vespers, 2nd Reading: Job 42:12-17

(Lxx): Yes,the Lord blessed the last years of Job more than the ones before, and his livestock was: fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen, a thousand female donkeys at pasture. And there were born to him seven sons and three daughters, and he called the first Day and the second Cassia and the third Horn of Amaltheia. And there were not found women more excellent than Job’s daughters beneath heaven, and their father gave them an inheritance along with their brothers. Now Job lived after his calamity one hundred and seventy years, and all the years he lived were two hundred and forty-eight years. and Job saw his sons and the sons of his sons, a fourth generation, and Job died, old and full of days. And it is written that he will rise again with those the Lord raises up.

Apokathelosis Vespers, 3rd Reading: Isaiah 52:13-54:1
Apokathelosis Vespers Epistle: 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:2
Apokathelosis Vespers Composite Gospel: Matthew 27:1-38; Luke 23:39-43; Matthew 27:39-54; John 19:31-37; Matthew 27:55-61