Without financial supporters of the Mystagogy Resource Center, it would not exist. One long time supporter is currently facing a crisis of being evicted from her home and having her car repossessed. She and her family need help by this coming Tuesday to prevent this, at least $2,000 is needed. Please help me to give back to her. She would like to remain anonymous, so she asked that any financial aid can be sent through this ministry, which will then be directed to her. Thank you for helping with what you can. Please send your financial support at this link:

April 12, 2013

A Miracle of the Holy Cross in Africa (Congo) 2

At the Monastery of Saint Nektarios (Kolwezi, Congo), among the girls in the boarding school, there were added two more a few months ago - Despoina who is 11 years old and by exception a boy named Angelo who is 6. These children have a history.

The Sisters of the Monastery found these children abandoned in the streets. They brought them to the Monastery and alerted the police to find their parents. Eventually they learned their mother was a witch. She had killed their siblings and initiated them in magic and abandoned them. In this way they would be able to make their "bread" in life.

With the blessing of Fr. Meletios Mandelides, the head of the mission, they were baptized. Since then they have had the strength and enlightenment from God to tell Abbess Thekla what magic they did and how many people they had killed.

They told her that with magic they killed people, took their blood, and placed it on a sewing needle. They would hang this on themselves and at night they would fly miles away to do their magic and kill other people.

When the Abbess asked if the demons still bother them, they said:

"They come to get us. They pull at us to cut off the Cross we wear around our neck. When we do the sign of the Cross, they disappear. One time magicians came and pleaded with us to follow them, but they were unable to take us with them."

This is easy to understand, since the demons fear Baptism, the Cross and Holy Water which the children drink every morning.

These children, Abbess Thekla told me, have a strong character which is why they have them eat once a day. Every morning they drink Holy Water, and when there is a Divine Liturgy they Commune of the Holy Mysteries.

Source: Αληθινές Ιστορίες μαγείας (True Stories of Magic), Εκδόσεις “Ορθόδοξος Κυψέλη” Θεσσαλονίκη. Translated by John Sanidopoulos