06 September 2010
The President of Russia's spouse Svetlana Medvedeva believes religious values can become a solid base for each person's life.
"Faith gives our life a solid, inviolable foundation. A believer knows that God loves him or her. This knowledge strengthens spiritual potential, helps us to live and overcome obstacles. And what is most important is it helps us to realize your responsibility before neighboring people, awakens the desire to create and give kindness and love," Medvedeva was quoted as saying by the Foma (Thomas) magazine in September.
The first lady believes it is a mission of each Christian and she fulfills this mission the best she can by participating in social work and charities.
Medvedeva spoke for the introduction of religious education in schools and noted that the majority of European countries had such a course in a certain form, thus "in this regard we aren't introducing anything new, but are just returning to the practice accepted all over Europe, as we fell out of it for well-known historical reasons."
According to the president's spouse "our civilization can't be imagined without religion," thus it would be "strange to speak of moral education in schools without basing it on the religious experience traditional for our country."