August 31, 2018

The Best of August 2018 by the Mystagogy Resource Center (MRC)

Below is the monthly review for the month of August of the ten most popular articles from the previous month on, then all the posts made on the other websites of the Mystagogy Resource Center.

1. The Canonization of Elder Amphilochios Makris by the Ecumenical Patriarchate

2. The Snakes of the Panagia Have Made Their Appearance in Kefallonia (2018)

3. The Repose of Archimandrite Gabriel Tsafos, the Elder of Joy (+ 2018)

4. The Apolytikion, Kontakion and Megalynarion of St. Amphilochios Makris Chanted in Patmos

5. "They Do Not Believe in My Sainthood" (St. Amphilochios Makris)

6. First Homily on the Dormition of the Theotokos (St. John of Damascus)

7. Saint George the Pilgrim (+ 1916)

8. Saints and Feasts of August 23

9. Saint Kosmas Aitolos on the Island of Kefallonia

10. Beheading of Saint John the Baptist Resource Page

1. Jonathan Jackson Offers his Emmy Award to Mount Athos Monastery

1. Doctor of Physics at Stanford University Becomes Orthodox Monk in Crete

2. The Transplantation of the Western Conflict with Science in the Orthodox East

1. Elder Amphilochios Makris as the Founder of the Convent of the Annunciation in Patmos

1. The Devil and His Wiles (5 of 6)

2. The Devil and His Wiles (6 of 6)

1. When St. Gabriel the Fool Visited a Synagogue, a Mosque and a Baptist Church

1. Questions and Answers 45 - 47

1. 11- Book Review: "Prodigal Daughter: A Journey to Byzantium" by Myrna Kostash

The Icon of Panagia Agiosoritissa

Agiosoritissa in the Church of Santa Maria del Rosario, 7th cent.

The Panagia Agiosoritissa is the name for a type of icon of the Mother of God, showing her without the Christ Child, slightly from the side with both hands raised in prayer.

Saints and Feasts of August 31

On the thirty-first, they enshrined 
the Girdle of the All-Pure One.

Deposition of the Honorable Zoni of the Theotokos 
in the Holy Soros

Holy Zoni (Girdle) of the Theotokos Resource Page

Commemoration of the Restoration of the 
Church of the Theotokos in Neorion

Commemoration of the Restoration of the Church of the Theotokos in Neorion

Holy Martyr Phileortos

Holy Martyr Phileortos

Holy Martyr Diadochos

Holy Martyr Diadochos

Holy Seven Virgin Martyrs of Gaza

Holy Seven Virgin Martyrs of Gaza

Holy Martyrs Menas, Faustus, Andrew and Heraclius
Saint Aidan, Bishop of Lindesfarne
Venerable Makarios the Protopsaltis of Bucharest
Synaxis of Panagia Lykourisiotissa 
in Skoutera of Agrinio

Synaxis of Panagia Lykourisiotissa in Skoutera of Agrinio

August 30, 2018

"They Do Not Believe in My Sainthood" (St. Amphilochios Makris)

By Archimandrite Paul Nikitaras

In Piraeus there was a woman from Patmos, Niki Trachanidou, who had heard of the holiness of Elder Amphilochios Makris, and she purchased oil from the lamp that was lit at the grave of the Elder, which she reverently kept in her icon corner.

She used to gather certain pious women at her house and they would read religious books and chant the Supplications to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Holy Martyrs Felix, Fortunatus, Septiminus and Januarius

Sts.  Felix, Fortunatus, Septiminus and Januarius (Feast Days - April 16 & August 30)


For April 16

The four athletes were together decapitated by a sword,
Now they dance with the myriad of Angels.

For August 30

To Felix.
Being beheaded Felix pays the debt with his sacred blood,
And is adorned with the anointing of the priesthood.

To Januarius.
Raising the murderous iron that breathed murder,
The head of Januarius was taken.

To Fortunatus.
"Do not strike me, except with the swift sword,"
Fortunatus said with rebuke.

To Septiminus.
Always august in life Septiminus,
You found an all-august end by the sword.

Saints Alexander, John and Paul the New, Patriarchs of Constantinople

Sts. Alexander, John and Paul of Constantinople (Feast Day - August 30)


To Alexander.
You fled the allotment of the flesh Alexander,
You occupy your allotted portion from the Lord.

To John.
The faces of those in the Church are of sad countenance,
Being deprived of John.

To Paul.
Paul forsook the path of life,
He found rest from the labor of life.

On the thirtieth the three now stand before the Trinity.

Saints and Feasts of August 30

On the thirtieth the three now stand before the Trinity.

Saints Alexander, John and Paul the New, 
Patriarchs of Constantinople
Venerable Phantinos the Wonderworker

Saint Phantinos the Younger of Calabria, Wonderworker of Thessaloniki

Holy Six Martyrs of Melitene

Holy Six Martyrs of Melitene

Venerable Sarmatas

Life and Sayings of Holy Abba Sarmatas

Venerable Vryaini
Holy Sixteen Martyrs of Thebes

Holy Sixteen Martyrs of Thebes

Holy Martyrs Felix, Fortunatus, 
Septiminus and Januarius

Holy Martyrs Felix, Fortunatus, Septiminus and Januarius

Holy Hierarch Eulalios

Holy Hierarch Eulalios

Holy Hieromartyr Philonides, Bishop of Kourion

Holy Hieromartyr Philonides, Bishop of Kourion

Saint Christopher the Roman

Saint Christopher the Roman (6th cent.)

Saint Alexander of Svir

Saint Alexander of Svir (+ 1533)

Saint Alexander of Svir and His Monastery in Russia

The Incorrupt Relics of St. Alexander of Svir (video)

Synaxis of the Holy Serbian Hierarchs
(Enlighteners and Teachers)

Synaxis of the Holy Serbian Hierarchs (Enlighteners and Teachers)

Saint Alexander, Archbishop of Constantinople

By Metropolitan Dionysios of Servia and Kozani

Today the Church celebrates and honors the sacred memory of Saint Alexander, the Archbishop of Constantinople. Saint Alexander lived at the time of the first Christian emperor, Constantine the Great. He was one of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Synod which, in 325, in Nicaea, condemned the Arian heresy. The Archbishop of Constantinople at that time was Saint Metrophanes, but, since he was very old and sick, he was represented at the synod by Alexander, who was still a priest. It was often the case that, for a variety of reasons, bishops were represented at synods by priests.

August 29, 2018

The Apolytikion, Kontakion and Megalynarion of St. Amphilochios Makris Chanted in Patmos

By Hieromonk Antipas
Elder of the Athonite Sacred Cell of Saint Anna under Iveron Monastery

Composed in 1986

(These are the hymns that have been chanted in Patmos.)

Tone Pl. of the 1st.
The Co-beginningless Word.
Let us all praise Amphilochios, the new star of the Church of Christ, truly the ornament of the island of Patmos, the beauty of monastics and lover of piety, the lamp of prudence; he intercedes to the Lord that He may have mercy on our souls.

Tone 3.
The Virgin Today.
In the last days father, you have shown to be a boast of the Church, shining with the virtues; wherefore we cry out to you with reverence, deliver us all from dangers, Amphilochios, the divine glory and pride of Patmos.

Rejoice the beauty of Priests, rejoice the revered ornament of Venerables, rejoice the glory and boast of Greece and of all Orthodox, O Amphilochios.

Translation by John Sanidopoulos.

The Canonization of Elder Amphilochios Makris by the Ecumenical Patriarchate

Today, Wednesday 29 August 2018, the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate began the process for the canonization of Elder Amphilochios Makris of Patmos (1889-1970). The case for the canonization was already before the Synodal Special Committee of the Ecumenical Patriarchate during the visit of the Ecumenical Patriarch to Evia in June.

Saints and Feasts of August 29

On the twenty-ninth the Forerunner was decapitated 
at the neck with a sword.

(Fasting Day)

Decapitation of the Honorable Head of the 
Holy, Glorious, Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John

Beheading of Saint John the Baptist Resource Page

Saint John the Baptist Resource Page

Venerable Theodora of Thessaloniki

Saints Theodora the Wonderworker of Thessaloniki and Her Daughter Theopisti

The Tomb of St. Theodora Discovered in Thessaloniki

Saint Arkadios the Wonderworker, Bishop of Arsinoe

Saint Arkadios, the Bishop of Arsinoe and Wonderworker

Saint Basil I the Macedonian, Emperor of the Romans

Saint Basil I the Macedonian, Emperor of the Romans (+ 886)

Saint Sebbi, King of Essex

Saint Sebbi, King of Essex (+ 695)

Translation of the Sacred Relics of the 
Venerable Joseph Samakos the Sanctified

Saint Joseph Samakos the Sanctified (+ 1511)

Church of Saint Joseph Samakos the Sanctified in Azokeramos, Crete

Beheading of Saint John the Baptist Resource Page

Beheading of Saint John the Forerunner (Feast Day - August 29)


A murderous hand with a sword cuts off the head
Of him who placed his hand on the Lord’s head.
On the twenty-ninth the Forerunner was decapitated at the neck with a sword.

August 28, 2018

Saint Sava of Pskov, Abbot of Krypetsk Monastery (+ 1495)

St. Sava of Krypetsk (Feast Day - August 28)

Our Venerable Father Sava was from a foreign land, perhaps Serbia, and after being tonsured at Mount Athos, he came to Pskov. He began to struggle on Mount Snetna at the Monastery of Mother of God near Pskov, and then he went to a more remote spot along the River Tolva, at the Monastery of Saint Euphrosyne. Finally, he withdrew for complete solitude to the Krypetsk wilderness, 15 versts from the Tolva, and he settled alone in a small cave in the impenetrable forest.

His food was bread and water, and on Wednesdays and Fridays he ate nothing. Living the life of a hermit he was assailed by unclean spirits, but always he prevailed over them through prayer. After several years in the solitary life, those zealous for wilderness life began to gather around Saint Sava. They asked him to form a monastery and build a church in honor of the Apostle John the Theologian. The monk refused to be abbot of the monastery and entrusted its guidance to the monk Cassian. Many came out from Pskov to the austere Elder, and he healed and admonished them, but never did he accept gifts from them.

Saints and Feasts of August 28

You were buried on the twenty-eighth Moses the Ethiopian.

Venerable Moses the Ethiopian

Saint Moses the Ethiopian Resource Page

Holy Martyrs Diomedes and Lawrence

Holy Martyrs Diomedes and Lawrence

Righteous Hezekiah the King

Righteous Hezekiah the King (+ 686 B.C.)

Holy Prophetess Anna, Daughter of Phanuel

Holy Prophetess Anna, Daughter of Phanuel

Holy Prophetess Anna as a Model for our Lives

Holy Thirty-Three Martyrs of Heraclea

Holy Thirty-Three Martyrs of Heraclea

Saint Susanna, Queen of Georgia

Saint Susanna of Georgia as a Model for our Lives

Venerable Sava of Pskov

Saint Sava of Pskov, Abbot of Krypetsk Monastery (+ 1495)

Synaxis of the Saints of the Kiev Caves, 
Whose Relics Repose in the Far Caves 
of Venerable Theodosius

Synaxis of the Saints of the Kiev Caves, Whose Relics Repose in the Far Caves of Venerable Theodosius

Uncovering of the Relics of the Venerable Job of Pochaev

Saint Job of Pochaev (+ 1651)

August 27, 2018

Saint Hosios, Bishop of Corduba (+ 359)

St. Hosios of Corduba (Feast Day - August 27)

Our Holy Father Hosios was probably born in Corduba in Hispania (now Córdoba, Spain), a province of the Roman Empire, although a passage in Zosimus has sometimes been conjectured as the writer's belief that Hosios was an Egyptian.

Elected to the see of Cordova about 295, he narrowly escaped martyrdom in the persecution of Maximian. In 300 or 301 he attended the provincial Synod of Elvira (his name appearing second in the list of those present), and upheld its severe canons concerning such points of discipline as questions concerning clerical marriage, and the treatment of those who had abjured their faith during the recent persecutions. The Synod appears to have had Novationist tendencies and held a strict view that refused readmission to those baptized Christians who had denied their faith or performed the formalities of a ritual sacrifice to the pagan gods under pressures of persecution.

Holy Hieromartyr Kuksha and Saint Pimen the Faster of the Kiev Caves

Sts. Kuksha and Pimen of the Caves (Feast Day - August 27)

The Hieromartyr Kuksha and Saint Pimen the Faster died after the year 1114. Saint Simon, Bishop of Vladimir and Suzdal (May 10), in a letter to Saint Polycarp, Archimandrite of the Kiev Caves (July 24), wrote of Saint Kuksha: “How can I worthily proclaim the glory of those saintly men dwelling in the holy Monastery of the Caves, in which pagans were baptized and became monks, and Jews accepted the holy faith? But I cannot keep silent about the holy hieromartyr and Black-Robed Kuksha of this monastery. Everyone knows that he cast out devils, baptized the Vyatichi, caused it to rain, dried up a lake, performed many other miracles, and after many torments was killed together with his disciple Nikon.” Impressed by his powers and rendered receptive by his preaching, the heathens began to convert and accept baptism. Priests of the Vyatichi, furious over the destruction of their idols, decapitated Kuksha and his disciple.

Saints and Feasts of August 27

On the twenty-seventh Poemen is mourned as a great shepherd.

Venerable Poemen the Great
Holy Confessor Liberius, Pope of Rome

Saint Liberius the Confessor, Pope of Rome (+ 366)

Saint Hosios, Bishop of Corduba

Saint Hosios, Bishop of Corduba (+ 359)

Holy Martyr Anthousa the New

Holy Martyr Anthousa the New

Holy Great Martyr Phanourios the Newly-Appeared

Saint Phanourios Resource Page

Holy Hieromartyr Kuksha and 
Saint Pimen the Faster of the Kiev Caves

Holy Hieromartyr Kuksha and Saint Pimen the Faster of the Kiev Caves

Commemoration of the Baptism of the 
Ethiopian Eunuch by Saint Philip

Commemoration of the Baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch by Saint Philip

August 26, 2018

Saints and Feasts of August 26

Adrian had his hands and feet cut off on the twenty-sixth.

Holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia

Saints Adrian and Natalia Resource Page

Holy Twenty-Three Martyrs 
that Contested with Saint Adrian

Saints Adrian and Natalia Resource Page

Holy Martyrs Attikos and Sisinios

Holy Martyrs Attikos and Sisinios

Venerable Ibistion

Holy Abba Ibistion of Egypt

Holy Martyr Adrian of Rome

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyr Adrian of Rome

Venerable Joasaph, King of the Indians

Saint Joasaph, King of the Indians

A Note Concerning Saints Barlaam and Joasaph

An 11th Cent. Georgian Hymn to Saint Joasaph

Venerable Tithoes

Life and Sayings of Holy Abba Tithoes

Venerable Adrian of Uglich

Saint Adrian of Uglich (+ c. 1504)

Venerable Adrian of Ondrusov

Venerable Maria Ivanovna of Diveyevo, 
the Fool for Christ

Saint Maria Ivanovna of Diveyevo, the Fool for Christ (+ 1931)

Commemoration of the Vladimir Icon 
of the Mother of God and the Deliverance of Moscow 
from the Invasion of Tamerlane

The Deliverance of Moscow From the Tartars in 1395 AD

Saints and Feasts of the Last Sunday of August

Synaxis of All Evrytanian Saints

Synaxis of All Evrytanian Saints

Synaxis of the Three Saints of Ypati

Synaxis of the Three Saints of Ypati

August 25, 2018

The One-Hundred Texts of Saint John of Karpathos: "For the Encouragement of the Monks in India"

For the Encouragement of the Monks in India

One Hundred Texts

By St. John of Karpathos

When making a request to an earthly king, sometimes men bring with them as an offering nothing more than a bunch of spring flowers; yet often, so far from rejecting their request, the king has even presented them with gifts in return. In the same way I, at your command, have gathered from various sources a century of spiritual texts: this is my offering to you who are 'citizens of heaven' (Phil. 3:20). I hope that you will accept what I offer and grant me in return the gift of your prayers.

Saint Epiphanios, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 535)

St. Epiphanios of Constantinople (Feast Day - August 25)


Epiphanios died and was carried away drunk,
Lying dead in a deep sleep he forthwith treaded grapes.

Epiphanios was the Patriarch of Constantinople from February 25, 520 to June 5, 535, succeeding John II Cappadocia.

The first conspicuous duty of Epiphanios was the charge of the catechumens at Constantinople. In 519, the year before his election, he was sent with Patriarch John II and count Licinius to Macedonia to receive the documents of those who wished reunion with the Church of Rome, at the request of the apocrisiarius of Dorotheus, Bishop of Thessaloniki.

Saint John II the Cappadocian, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 520)

St. John II of Constantinople (Feast Day - August 25)


O how John the good has died,
The lamp of the Church of God has been extinguished!

Our Holy Father John was from Cappadocia. He was a Presbyter and Synkellos of the Church of Constantinople when in 518 he was elected to become the next Patriarch of Constantinople, succeeding Timothy I. It is said that he was chosen by Timothy I to succeed him, and Emperor Anastasios himself chose him.

He was ordained Patriarch on the third day of Easter on the 17th of April in 518. On July 9th that same year Emperor Anastasios died, and he was succeeded by Emperor Justin I. With two Orthodox leaders in Constantinople, this opened the door to immediately end the Acacian Schism which lasted thirty-five years, from 484 to 519, that divided the Eastern and Western Churches. The reunion was formalized on Easter, March 25, 519.

Saints and Feasts of August 25

On the twenty-fifth the body of Bartholomew was found.

Return of the Relic of the 
Holy Glorious Apostle Bartholomew

Synaxarion of the Return of the Relic of the Holy Apostle Bartholomew

Holy Apostle Titus, Bishop of Gortyna
Saint John the Cappadocian, 
Patriarch of Constantinople

Saint John II the Cappadocian, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 520)

Saint Epiphanios, Patriarch of Constantinople

Saint Epiphanios, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 535)

Saint Menas, Patriarch of Constantinople 
Venerable Jeiunio of Gerace
Saint Gennadios Scholarios, 
Patriarch of Constantinople
Saint John of Karpathos

Saint John of Karpathos

The One-Hundred Texts of Saint John of Karpathos: "For the Encouragement of the Monks in India"

Saint Constantia of Paphos

Saint Constantia of Paphos

Translation of the Sacred Relic of the 
Holy New Martyr Luke of Adrianople

Papa-Foti's Vision of St. Luke the New Martyr

August 24, 2018

Saint Kosmas Aitolos on the Island of Kefallonia

Kefallonia has been blessed in having received the words and the preaching of the Great Preacher of the Nation, St. Kosmas the Aitolos.

He was born in 1714 in Megalo Dendro of Aetoloakarnania where he owes his name "Aitolos".

From an early age he went to Mount Athos, the bastion of asceticism, where he was educated at the Athoniada Ecclesiastic Academy headed by Eugenios Voulgaris. He entered the monastic ranks as a monk at Philotheou Monastery.

Saint Arsenius of Komel (+ 1550)

St. Arsenius of Komel (Feast Day - August 24)

Saint Arsenius of Komel was born in Moscow, and was descended from a noble family, the Sakharusov. In his youth he was tonsured at the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery, and he occupied himself there with the copying of books. There is a Gospel that he copied in the year 1506. In the years 1525-1527 he was abbot at the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery. He often withdrew to the solitary Makrisch Monastery. Prince Basil IV (1505-1533), making a visit to the monastery at that time, was surprised to behold the abbot of a prosperous monastery in old clothes covered with patches. The brethren explained that Saint Arsenius liked to travel in the wilderness.

Holy Martyr Syra of Persia (+ 558)

St. Syra of Persia (Feast Day - August 24)

The Virgin Martyr Syra lived during the sixth century in Persia and was the daughter of an illustrious pagan priest of the fire-worshippers (i.e. Zoroastrians) from Karkh-Seleucia in Elimiade (Abizarde). Syra’s father, fearing the influence of Christianity on his daughter, sent her to the city of Tharsis after the death of her mother to be educated as a pagan priestess.

Syra became a priestess at the heathen temple of fire, and occupied herself with honorable activity. But once, after speaking with some Christian beggars, Syra believed in Christ the Savior and began to live as a Christian. She began to learn prayers and Psalms, to fast and to read Christian books.

The Holy Martyrs of Utica, Called the White Mass

In the persecution of Valerian, in the year 258, the proconsul of Africa, Galerius Maximus, went from Carthage to Utica, and commanded all the Christians who were detained in the prisons of that city to be brought before him. Saint Augustine says their number amounted to "more than one hundred and fifty-three" (Sermon 306), while Prudentius says they were about three hundred (Peristephanon 13). 

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyr Tation of Claudiopolis


The length of measure you were dragged was very much,
In Eden you received an immeasurable length Tation.

This blessed one was from a place called Mantinea, which is under the Metropolis of Claudiopolis, found in Erdelia, in the eparchy of Onoriados. After being apprehended by the Greeks for his reverence towards Christ, he was made to stand before the governor Urban in the aforementioned Claudiopolis. He was interrogated by him, and confessing himself to be a Christian, he was imprisoned.

Saints and Feasts of August 24

On the twenty-fourth Eutyches was covered over by a stone.

Holy Hieromartyr Eutyches, 
Disciple of Saint John the Theologian

Holy Hieromartyr Eutyches, Disciple of Saint John the Theologian

Holy Martyr Tation

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyr Tation of Claudiopolis

Venerable Confessor George Limniotes

Saint George Limniotes the Confessor of Mount Olympus (+ 716)

Holy Martyrs of Utica, known as the White Mass

The Holy Martyrs of Utica, Called the White Mass

Homily on the Martyrs Known as the White Mass (St. Augustine of Hippo)

Holy Martyr Syra of Persia

Holy Martyr Syra of Persia (+ 558)

Saint Martyrius, Archbishop of Novgorod

Saint Martyrius, Archbishop of Novgorod (+ 1199)

Venerable Arsenius of Komel

Saint Arsenius of Komel (+ 1550)

Venerable Serapion, Abbot and Wonderworker 
of the Saint John the Baptist Monastery

Saint Serapion, Abbot and Wonderworker of the Saint John the Baptist Monastery in Davit-Gareji (+ 1774)

Saint Kosmas the Aitolos

Saint Kosmas the Aitolos Resource Page

Venerable Aristokles of Moscow

Saint Aristokles of Moscow (+ 1918) and His Prophecies

Translation of the Sacred Relic of 
Saint Dionysios of Zakynthos

Translation of the Sacred Relic of Saint Dionysios of Zakynthos

Saint Dionysios of Zakynthos Resource Page

Translation of the Relics of Saint Peter 
the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia

Translation of the Relics of Saint Peter the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia in 1479

Synaxis of the Icon of the Mother of God of Saint Peter

Synaxis of the Icon of the Mother of God of Saint Peter of Moscow

 Commemoration of the Appearance of the 
Most Holy Theotokos in Constantinople 
Which Lead to the Defeat of the Ottomans in 1422
Commemoration of the Appearance of the 
Most Holy Theotokos to Saint Sergius of Radonezh

The Appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos to St Sergius of Radonezh

August 23, 2018

Holy Hieromartyr Irenaeus, Bishop of Sirmium (+ 304)

St. Irenaeus of Sirmium (Feast Day - August 23)


Sirmium partook in the death by beheading,
From the bridge bathing in the waters of the river.

Saint Irenaeus suffered during the persecution against Christians under the Roman emperors Diocletian and Maximian (284-305).

He was a presbyter, and he and his wife raised their children in Christian piety. Saint Irenaeus was greatly respected for his education and strict manner of life.

Holy Hieromartyr Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons (+ 202)

St. Irenaeus of Lyons (Feast Day - August 23)


Irenaeus speedily flees the earth by the sword,
With eros going towards the heavens he longs for.

Saint Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, was born in the year 130 in the city of Smyrna of Asia Minor. He received there the finest education, studying poetics, philosophy, rhetoric, and the rest of the classical sciences considered necessary for a young man of the world.

Holy Martyr Louppos of Thessaloniki, Servant of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrios

St. Louppos the Martyr (Feast Day - August 23)


Louppos was a servant, but by the sword,
He freely approached God as a friend.
On the twenty-third Louppos was struck with the edge of the sword.

The Holy Martyr Louppos was a faithful servant of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrios of Thessaloniki (Oct. 26). Being present at the death of his master, he soaked his own clothing (said to be his orarion, possibly indicating he was a deacon) with his blood and took the ring from his hand. With this clothing, the ring and the name of the Great Martyr Demetrios, Saint Louppos worked many miracles in Thessaloniki. He destroyed pagan idols, for which he was subjected to persecution by the pagans, but he was preserved unharmed by the power of God.

Saints and Feasts of August 23

On the twenty-third Louppos was struck 
with the edge of the sword.

Leavetaking of the Feast of the 
Dormition of the Theotokos

Apodosis of the Dormition of the Theotokos Resource Page

Holy Martyr Louppos

Holy Martyr Louppos of Thessaloniki, Servant of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrios

Holy Hieromartyr Irenaeus, Bishop of Sirmium

Holy Hieromartyr Irenaeus, Bishop of Sirmium (+ 304)

Holy Hieromartyr Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons

Holy Hieromartyr Pothinus, Bishop of Lyons

Holy Martyrs Killed in the Persecution in Lyon in 177 A.D.

Venerable Kallinikos, Patriarch of Constantinople

Saint Kallinikos I, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 705)

Holy Thirty-Eight Martyrs of Thrace

Holy Thirty-Eight Martyrs of Thrace

Venerable Nicholas the Sicilian

Saint Nicholas the Sicilian

Saint Eogan, Bishop of Ardstraw

Saint Eogan, Bishop of Ardstraw (+ 618)

Venerable Haralambos the Newly-Revealed

Saint Haralambos the Newly-Revealed of Crete (+ 1788)

Commemoration of Saint Agatha in Stamna of Aitolia

The Festival of Saint Agatha in Stamna of Aitolia

Commemoration of the Panagia Eikonistria and the 
Salvation of Skiathos from Destruction by the Nazis
Synaxis of the Panagia Prousiotissa 
Synaxis of the Panagia of Harou in Leipsi

The Annual Miracle of Panagia of Harou in Leipsi

Synaxis of the Panagia Faneromeni 
of Nea Artaki in Evia

The Miraculous Panagia Faneromeni of Nea Artaki in Evia

Synaxis of the Panagia Faneromeni 
of Nea Skioni in Halkidiki

Panagia Faneromeni of Nea Skioni in Halkidiki

Synaxis of the Panagia Malevi in Arcadia
The Miracle of Panagia Malevi for the Young Andrew 
Synaxis of the Panagia Mavriotissa in Kastoria

The Monastery of Panagia Mavriotissa in Kastoria

Synaxis of Panagia Prousiotissa in Vardates

Three Cave Churches of Mount Oeta

Synaxis of the Panagia Koutsouriotissa 
in Erateini of Phocis

Synaxis of Panagia Koutsouriotissa in Erateini, Phocis

Synaxis of the Panagia Enniameritisa in Paros
Synaxis of the Panagia Tourliani in Mykonos 
Synaxis of the Panagia of Grava in Patmos

The Hermitage of the Panagia of Grava in Patmos

Synaxis of the Panagia Flabouriani in Kythnos

The Church of Panagia Flabouriani in Kythnos

Synaxis of the Panagia Neomonitissa in Chios

Nea Moni in Chios and Panagia Neomonitissa

Synaxis of the Panagia Agiogalousaina in Chios

Synaxis of Panagia Agiogalousaina in Chios

Synaxis of the Panagia Katholiki in Rhodes

Synaxis of Panagia Katholiki in Rhodes

The Panagia is Making Her Presence Known in Rhodes

When the Panagia Wept Before World War I and World War II in Rhodes