July 31, 2018

Holy New Hieromartyr Benjamin, Metropolitan of Petrograd, and Those With Him (+ 1922)

St. Benjamin of Petrograd and Those with Him (Feast Day - July 31)

The Holy New Hieromartyr Benjamin (Kazansky) was born to a priestly family in the pogost (village) of Nimenskii in the Andreevksii volost of the Kargopol district near Arkhangelsk in the Olonets Governorate in the northwest of the Russian empire.

Saint Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre (+ 448)

St. Germanus of Auxerre (Feast Day - July 31)

Saint Germanus was born at Auxerre around 389, the son of Rusticus and Germanilla, and his family was one of the noblest in Gaul in the latter portion of the fourth century. He received the very best education provided by the distinguished schools of Arles and Lyons, and then went to Rome, where he studied rhetoric and civil law. He practiced there before the tribunal of the prefect for some years with great success. His high birth and brilliant talents brought him into contact with the court, and he married Eustachia, a lady highly esteemed in imperial circles. The emperor Honorius sent him back to Gaul, appointing him one of the six dukes, entrusted with the government of the Gallic provinces. He resided at Auxerre.

Saints and Feasts of July 31

Eudokimos accepts his first burial on the thirty-first.

Holy and Righteous Eudokimos of Cappadocia

Saint Eudokimos the Righteous of Cappadocia

Saint Joseph of Arimathea

Saint Joseph of Arimathea

Life of Saint Joseph of Arimathea

Holy Twelve Martyrs of Rome

Holy Twelve Martyrs of Rome

Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of 
our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos in Blachernae and 
the Forefeast of the Procession of the Holy Cross

Synaxarion for the Forefeast of the Procession of the Holy Cross

Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of the Theotokos of Blachernae

Saint Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre

Saint Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre (+ 448)

Saint Arsenius, Bishop of Ninotsminda

Saint Arsenius, Bishop of Ninotsminda (+ 1082)

Holy Anonymous New Martyr from Crete

An Anonymous New Martyr From Crete (+ July 1811)

Holy New Martyr Dionysios of Vatopaidi

Holy New Martyr Dionysios of Vatopaidi (+ 1822)

Holy New Hieromartyr Benjamin, 
Metropolitan of Petrograd, 
with Archimandrite Sergius, 
and the Laymen Yuri and John

Holy New Hieromartyr Benjamin, Metropolitan of Petrograd, and Those With Him (+ 1922)

Holy New Hiero-Confessor Basil, Bishop of Kineshma

Holy New Hiero-Confessor Basil (Preobrazhensky), Bishop of Kineshma (+ 1945)

Translation of the Sacred Relics of the 
Holy Apostle Philip to Cyprus

Translation of the Sacred Relics of the Apostle Philip to Cyprus

July 30, 2018

Holy Apostles Silas, Silouan, Epainetos, Crescens and Andronikos of the Seventy

Holy Apostles Silas, Silouan, Epainetos, Crescens and Andronikos (Feast Day - July 30)


To Silas and Silouan.
Your proclaimers Silouan and Silas,
Died O Savior, how can I not proclaim it?

To Epainetos.
The great Paul who loved you historicized you,
The good official of all Achaia.

To Crescens and Andronikos.
Crescens and Andronikos the initiates of the Word,
Now behold the face of God the Word.

On the thirtieth four initiates of God died.

Saint Anatole the Younger of Optina (+ 1922)

St. Anatole the Younger of Optina (Feast Day - July 30)

Saint Anatole the Younger (Alexander Potapov in the world) was born on February 15, 1855 in the city of Moscow to an old merchant family. He graduated from the district school, and then engaged in trade, serving as a clerk in Kaluga.

He longed to be a monk from his youth. His mother would not give her blessing for this, so he entered Optina Monastery only after her death in 1885.

Saint Angelina of Serbia (+ 1520)

St. Angelina of Serbia (Feast Day - July 30)

Saint Angelina was the sixth daughter of the Albanian nobleman Gjergj Arianiti (1383–1462). Her mother’s name is not known, but she raised her daughter in Christian piety and taught her to love God. She acquired an excellent education in her parents' home. Her love of books was revealed at an early age, as evidenced by the traces of her library at Krushedol Monastery.

Saints and Feasts of the Last Sunday of July

Translation of the Relics of Saint Theoktiste

Translation of the Relics of Saint Theoktiste to Mithymna of Lesvos in 1960

Translation of the Relics of Saint Theoktiste to Mithymna of Lesvos in 1960

On the island of Icarus is found the Holy Monastery of Saint Theoktiste (or Lefkados Monastery), in the village of Pigi, where in an unknown manner the holy relics of Saint Theoktiste were discovered. It is not known when this small monastery was founded, which is in the old municipality of Messaria (modern Frantato), but it probably existed before 1688. An inscription says the church was painted by Hatzi Panteli from Chios in 1688. It has fifteen monastic cells which were later used for hospice. Though at one time there were over a hundred monks here prior to 1688, in 1982 the last two nuns left.

Saints and Feasts of July 30

On the thirtieth four initiates of God died.

Holy Apostles of the Seventy Silas, Silouan, 
Epainetos, Crescens and Andronikos
Holy Martyr Julitta of Caesarea

Holy Martyr Julitta of Caesarea

Saint Rufinus, Bishop of Assisi

Saint Rufinus, Bishop of Assisi

Holy Hieromartyr Valentine, Bishop of Interamna

Holy Hieromartyr Valentine, Bishop of Interamna

Saint Valentine Resource Page

Saint Tsotne Dadiani the Confessor

Saint Tsotne Dadiani the Confessor (+ 1259)

Venerable Angelina of Serbia

Saint Angelina of Serbia (+ 1520)

Venerable Anatole the Younger of Optina

Saint Anatole the Younger of Optina (+ 1922)

Uncovering of the Relics of the 
Venerable Herman of Solovki

Saint Herman of Solovki (+ 1479)

Synaxis of the Saints of Aegina

Synaxis of the Saints of Aegina

July 29, 2018

Gospel Commentary for the Ninth Sunday of Matthew (St. Theophylact of Ochrid)

Ninth Sunday of Matthew
Christ Walks on the Water

Matthew 14:22-34

From The Explanation of the Gospel of St. Matthew

By Blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Ochrid and Bulgaria

22. And straightway Jesus constrained His disciples to get into a boat, and to go before Him unto the other side, while He sent the multitudes away.

Saints and Feasts of July 29

On the twenty-ninth Kallinikos was devoured by the flames.

Holy Martyr Kallinikos

Saint Kallinikos the Martyr

Holy Martyr Mamas

Holy Martyr Mamas

Holy Martyr Basiliskos the Elder

Holy Martyr Basiliskos the Elder

Saint Constantine Leichoudes, 
Patriarch of Constantinople

Saint Constantine III Leichoudes, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 1063)

Holy Martyrs Who Were a 
Father, Mother and Two Children

Holy Martyrs Who Were a Father, Mother and Two Children

Saint John the Soldier

Saint John the Soldier of Constantinople

Holy Martyrs Benjamin and Berius

Holy Martyrs Benjamin and Berius

Saint Theodosius the Younger, the Pious Emperor

Holy Emperor Theodosius II the Younger

Holy Martyr Theodoti and her Three Children

Holy Martyr Theodoti and her Three Children

Holy Virgin Martyr Seraphima of Antioch

Saint Seraphima the Virgin Martyr of Antioch

Saint Lupus the Confessor, Bishop of Troyes

Saint Lupus the Confessor, Bishop of Troyes (+ 479)

Holy Martyr Eustathius of Mtskheta in Georgia

Saint Eustathius of Mtskheta in Georgia

Saint Bogolep, Child Schema-Monk of Cherny Yar

Saint Bogolep: Child Schema-Monk of Cherny Yar

Holy New Hieromartyr Bessarion, Bishop of Smolyan

Holy New Hieromartyr Bessarion, Bishop of Smolyan

Holy Confessor Matrona Belyakova of Anemnyasevo

Nativity of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nativity of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Translation of the Relics of the Holy Martyr 
Michael the Sabbaite

Holy Martyr Michael the Sabbaite

July 28, 2018

Saint Pitirim, Bishop of Tambov (+ 1698)

St. Pitirim of Tambov (Feast Day - July 28)

Saint Pitirim, Bishop of Tambov, in the world Procopius, was born 27 February 1645 (or 1644) in the city of Vyazma. From his youth, the Lord prepared Procopius for high spiritual service. While still a child, he learned reading and writing, attended church services, and acquired the habit of prayer. Procopius loved to read the writings of the holy Fathers and the lives of the Saints. This furthered the future hierarch’s spiritual growth. The boy was remarkable for his overall love of work, broad knowledge and mature judgment. He was endowed with artistic talent, and he successfully occupied himself with the painting of icons and church singing. A sublime spiritual disposition led Procopius onto the pathway of monastic life. Having resolved to dedicate himself completely to God, he entered into the Monastery of Saint John the Baptist in Vyazma, known for its strict rule. When he was twenty-one, he was tonsured with the name of Pitirim.

Saint Moses the Wonderworker of the Kiev Caves

St. Moses the Wonderworker of the Kiev Caves (Feast Day - July 28)

Our Venerable Father Moses pursued asceticism at the Kiev Caves Lavra in the Far Caves of Theodosius in the 13th or 14th century. He wore chains and a heavy copper cross. He was also known for his constant psalmody and innumerable prostrations. Monk Moses possessed the gift of wonderworking. The relics of the Saint rest at the Far Caves.

Saints and Feasts of July 28

On the twenty-eighth the four came together to be initiated.

Holy Apostles and Deacons Prochoros, Nikanor, Timon 
and Parmenas of the Seventy

Holy Apostles and Deacons Prochoros, Nikanor, Timon and Parmenas of the Seventy

Holy Martyr Eustathios of Ancyra

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyr Eustathios of Ancyra

Holy Martyr Akakios the Younger

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyr Akakios the Younger

Holy Martyr Drosis

Holy Martyr Drosis

Venerable Irene of Chrysovalantou

Saint Irene Chrysovalantou Resource Page

Venerable Paul of Xeropotamou

Saint Paul of Xeropotamou (+ late 9th cent.)

Venerable Moses the Wonderworker of the Kiev Caves

Saint Moses the Wonderworker of the Kiev Caves

Venerables Constantine and Cosmas of Kosinsky

Saints Constantine and Cosmas of Kosinsky (+ 13th cent.)

Saint Pitirim, Bishop of Tambov

Saint Pitirim, Bishop of Tambov (+ 1698)

Translation of the Sacred Relics of the 
Venerable John the New Chozebite

Patriarchate of Jerusalem to Officially Canonize St. John Jacob the Chozebite

Synodal Act of Canonization of Saint John the New Chozebite

The Incorrupt Relics of St. John the Chozebite (+ 1960)

Consecration of the Temple of our 
Most Holy Lady the Theotokos at the Diakonissa

Consecration of the Temple of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos at the Diakonissa

July 27, 2018

Saint Nicholas Kochanov, the Fool for Christ of Novgorod (+ 1392)

St. Nicholas Kochanov of Novgorod (Feast Day - July 27)

Blessed Nicholas Kochanov, the Fool for Christ of Novgorod, was born in Novgorod into a rich and illustrious family, and his parents were named Maxim and Juliana. From his youthful years he loved piety, he went to church faithfully, and he loved fasting, prayer and almsgiving. Seeing his virtuous life, people began to praise him. Nicholas, disdaining glory from men, began the difficult exploit of folly for the Lord’s sake. He ran about the city in the bitter cold dressed in rags, enduring beatings, insults and mockery, which caused him to rejoice.

Saints and Feasts of July 27

On the twenty-seventh Panteleimon 
obtained his portion by the sword.

Holy, Glorious, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

Saint Panteleimon Resource Page

Holy Blind Martyr, Healed by Saint Panteleimon

Saint Panteleimon Resource Page

Venerable Anthousa the Confessor 
of Mantineou Monastery

Saint Anthousa the Confessor of Mantineou Monastery

The Extraordinary Obedience of St. Anthousa the Confessor

Venerable Sisinios

Saint Anthousa the Confessor of Mantineou Monastery

Holy One Hundred and Fifty-Three Martyrs of Thrace

Holy One Hundred and Fifty-Three Martyrs of Thrace

Venerable Manuel

Venerable Manuel

Holy Seven Apostles of Bulgaria - 
Saints Cyril, Methodios, Clement, Nahum, 
Sava, Gorazd and Angelrius

Holy Seven Apostles of Bulgaria - Saints Cyril, Methodios, Clement, Nahum, Sava, Gorazd and Angelrius

Saint Nicholas Kochanov, 
the Fool for Christ of Novgorod

Saint Nicholas Kochanov, the Fool for Christ of Novgorod (+ 1392)

Saint Joasaph, Metropolitan of Moscow

Saint Joasaph, Metropolitan of Moscow (+ 1555)

Holy New Martyr Christodoulos of Kassandra

Holy New Martyr Christodoulos of Kassandra (+ 1777)

Holy New Martyr Christodoulos as a Model for our Lives

July 26, 2018

Holy Martyr Jerusalem of Byzantium

St. Jerusalem of Byzantium (Feast Day - July 26)


Jerusalem bears the cutting off of her head,
And now beholds the Jerusalem above.

The Holy Martyr Jerusalem hailed from Byzantium, and during the reign of the Emperor Decius in 250 she entered the Convent of Saint Oraiozele. There she became renowned for her virtues and preached the gospel, helping to convert many to the faith of Christ. For this reason she was seized from the convent, and made to stand in judgment.

Saint Moses the Hungarian of the Kiev Caves (+ 1043)

St. Moses the Hungarian (Feast Day - July 26)

Although the Hungarians were mostly pagan when Saint Moses was born, and later they became Orthodox Christian, the Hungarian chieftain of Transylvania, the Gyula, was baptized in Constantinople in 952, and it is because of this that the Hungarian-born Moses was raised an Orthodox Christian and was able to travel to Kiev.

Venerable Moses the Hungarian of the Kiev Caves was a brother of Saint Ephraim of Novy Torg (Jan. 28), and of Saint George. Together with them he entered into the service of the holy Prince Boris (July 24) of Kiev. After the murder of Saint Boris in 1015 at the River Alta (Saint George also perished with him), Saint Moses fled and hid himself at Kiev with Predislava, daughter of Vladimir I of Kiev and sister of the future Prince Yaroslav I the Wise. In 1018, when the Polish king Boleslav seized Kiev, Moses and his companions wound up in Poland as captives.

Saints and Feasts of July 26

On the twenty-sixth Hermolaos was cut at the neck by a sword.

On the twenty-sixth Paraskevi was beheaded with a sword.

Holy Hieromartyrs Hermolaos, Hermippos 
and Hermokrates

Holy Hieromartyrs Hermolaos, Hermippos and Hermokrates of Nicomedia

Saint Hermolaos, the Protector of Children

Holy Venerable Martyr Paraskevi

Saint Paraskevi Resource Page

Holy Martyr Oraiozele

Holy Martyr Oraiozele of Reuma

Venerable Ignatios of Steirion

Venerable Ignatios of Steirion

Holy Martyr Appion

Holy Martyr Appion

Holy Martyr Jerusalem of Byzantium

Holy Martyr Jerusalem of Byzantium

Venerable Gerontios the Athonite, 
Founder of the Skete of Saint Anna

Saint Gerontios the Athonite, Founder of the Skete of Saint Anna

Venerable Moses the Hungarian of the Kiev Caves

Saint Moses the Hungarian of the Kiev Caves (+ 1043)

Venerable Ioannikios the New of Romania

Saint Ioannikios the New of Romania (+ 1638)

Saint Jacob Netsvetov, Enlightener of Alaska

Saint Jacob Netsvetov, the Enlightener of the Peoples of Alaska

Consecration of the Archangel Michael in Skallai

Consecration of the Archangel Michael in Skallai

Consecration of the Archangel Gabriel in Chaldais

Consecration of the Archangel Gabriel in Chaldais

Consecration of Chrysovalantou Monastery 
Which Was Dedicated to the Archangels

Consecration of Chrysovalantou Monastery Which Was Dedicated to the Archangels

Synaxis of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos 
in Pagidion Next to the New Colonnade

Synaxis of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos in Pagidion Next to the New Colonnade

July 25, 2018

July 24, 2018

Athenagoras and Early Christian Apologetics

By Jackson Watts

Early church history shows that believers took seriously the task of apologetics. They knew that their beliefs and practices had profound spiritual consequences, and thus sought to “destroy the lofty arguments raised against the knowledge of God” (2 Cor. 10:5-6 [Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)] ). One such Christian was Athenagoras of Athens, a philosopher whose passionate intellect is displayed in A Plea for the Christians.[1]

Written in A.D. 177, Athenagoras penned this letter to Emperors Lucius Aurelius Commodus and Marcus Aurelius. To a large degree, the letter is a “plea for civic toleration”[2] It is as striking in its philosophical and legal argumentation as it is in its theological appeal.

While we may be tempted to analyze Athenagoras through the lens of modern apologetic methodologies, his Plea resists narrow classification. Instead, we’ll consider three instructive elements of his work: (1) inconsistencies in Greco-Roman thought and life; (2) the use of secular sources to support religious arguments; and (3) respectful appeals to the character and intellect of the letter’s recipients.

Saint Theophilos the New Martyr of Chios as a Model for our Lives

By Protopresbyter Fr. George Papavarnavas

The Neomartyr Theophilos lived in the seventeenth century. He was a sailor from Zakynthos who traveled on a Greek ship. Once, when he arrived in Chios, which was the homeland of his captain, he met a Turk, who suggested that he work on his ship.

Theophilos refused, and then he was accused of wearing on his head the fez of a Turk. The Turkish judge, to whom he was brought, decided that the accused should become a Muslim. Theophilos boldly confessed his faith in the true God, and for this the enraged Turks forced him to be circumcised, then they decided to send him as a gift to the Sultan, because he was young and handsome. Theophilos managed to escape them and went to Samos. Later, he returned to Chios searching for his captain, and the Turks, who recognized him, arrested him. They had him endure horrible torture, but he remained steadfast in his faith, and for that he was burnt alive in the year 1635. Indeed, when he realized that he would he would burn, he went of his own accord into the fire, after he had made the sign of the cross and said: "My Christ, into Your hands I deliver my soul."

Saint Symeon the Newly-Revealed of Thessaloniki

St. Symeon the Newly-Revealed (Feast Day - July 24)

Our Venerable Father Symeon the Newly-Revealed is only known to us from a Divine Office in his honor which was published in Venice in 1777. The Synaxarion contained in this Office presents a paradoxical case, which is rare but not unknown among the pious. The source for the Synaxarion is a text that no longer exists, but it was written by a hieromonk named Daniel from Kerkyra, who was told about this Saint in a dream which was narrated to him by the Holy New Martyr Anastasios of Paramythia († 7/18/1750), who had previously converted Daniel before his martyrdom from Islam and whom Daniel afterwards honored and revered.

Saints and Feasts of July 24

On the twenty-fourth a sharp spear was cast at Christina.

Holy Great Martyr Christina

Holy Martyr Kapiton

Holy Martyr Kapiton

Holy Martyr Hymenaeus

Holy Martyr Hymenaeus

Holy Martyr Hermogenes

Holy Martyr Hermogenes

Saint Athenagoras the Athenian and Apologist

Saint Christiana of Termonde

Saint Christiana of Termonde (+ 750)

Venerable Hilarion of Tvali

Saint Hilarion of Tvali (+ 1041)

Venerable Symeon the Newly-Revealed

Saint Symeon the Newly-Revealed of Thessaloniki

Holy New Martyr Theophilos of Zakynthos

Holy New Martyr Theophilos of Zakynthos (+ 1635)

Saint Theophilos the New Martyr of Chios as a Model for our Lives

Holy New Martyr Athanasios of Kios

Holy New Martyr Athanasios of Kios (+ 1670)

Holy Passion-Bearers Boris and Gleb
Venerable Polycarp of the Kiev Caves

Saint Polycarp of the Kiev Caves Lavra

July 23, 2018

Holy Hieromartyr Apollinaris, Bishop of Ravenna

St. Apollinaris of Ravenna (Feast Day - July 23)


Apollinaris was cut down,
Vitale hastened at once to arrive.

Saint Apollinaris was a disciple of the Apostle Peter, whom he followed from Antioch to Rome sometime during the reign of the Roman Emperor Claudius (41-54). Saint Peter appointed Apollinaris as Bishop of Ravenna. Arriving in Ravenna as a stranger, Apollinaris asked shelter of a local inhabitant, the soldier Irenaeus, and during their conversation he revealed the purpose for which he had come.

Translation of the Relics of the Holy Hieromartyr Phocas of Sinope

Translation of the Relic of St. Phocas the Bishop of Sinope (Feast Day - July 23)


You were illumined with the light of the Lord glorious Phocas,
Your heart was shown to be a holder of light.

Another for the Translation of his Relic.

A new ark of Israel is lifted up anew,
Carrying dead Phocas as another tablet.
On the twenty-third dead Phocas was carried out.

The Holy Hieromartyr Phocas was born in the city of Sinope. During his adult years he became Bishop of Sinope. At the time of a persecution against Christians under the emperor Trajan (98–117), the governor demanded that the Saint renounce Christ. After fierce torture they enclosed him in a hot bath-house, where he died a martyr’s death in the year 117.

Saints and Feasts of July 23

On the twenty-third dead Phocas was carried out.

Translation of the Sacred Relics of 
Saint Phocas of Sinope

Translation of the Relics of the Holy Hieromartyr Phocas of Sinope

Chrysostom's Homily On Saint Phocas of Sinope

Saint Phocas the Wonderworker, Bishop of Sinope

Holy Prophet Ezekiel

Prophet Ezekiel Resource Page

Holy Hieromartyr Apollinaris, Bishop of Ravenna

Holy Hieromartyr Apollinaris, Bishop of Ravenna

Holy Martyr Vitale of Ravenna

Holy Martyr Vitale of Ravenna

Holy Hieromartyr Apollonios, Bishop of Rome

Holy Hieromartyr Apollonios, Bishop of Rome

Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs 
Killed by the Bulgarians During 
the Reign of Nikephoros the Emperor

Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs Killed by the Bulgarians During the Reign of Nikephoros the Emperor

Holy Seven Martyrs of Carthage

Holy Seven Martyrs of Carthage

Venerable Anna of Leukadia

Saint Anna of Leukadia

Saint Thyrsos, Bishop of Karpasia

Venerable Pelagia of Tinos

Saint Pelagia of Tinos (+ 1834)

Panagia Evangelistria of Tinos Resource Page

Holy New Martyr Andrew Argunov

Holy New Martyr Andrew Argunov (+ 1938)

Commemoration of the Miraculous Appearance 
of the Mother of God at Pochaev Lavra 
Commemoration of the Appearance of 
Saint Kosmas Aitolos in Arnaia in 1943
The Appearance of Saint Kosmas Aitolos to a Woman in Arnaia on July 23, 1943
Commemoration of the Miracle at the 
Monastery of the Life-Giving Spring Longovarda 
in Paros in 1944
Synaxis of the Icon of the Mother of God 
the Joy of All Who Sorrow (with coins)

Icons of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow"

Synaxis of the Holy Prophet and Baptist John 
in Olympou Next to Saint Thomas

Synaxis of the Holy Prophet and Baptist John in Olympou Next to Saint Thomas

July 22, 2018

When Mary Magdalene Visited the Island of Zakynthos

According to tradition, two women evangelized the island of Zakynthos in apostolic times, both Myrrhbearers and eye-witnesses of the Resurrection of Christ - Mary Magdalene and Mary of Cleopas. They first preached Christ crucified and risen to the locals while on their way to Rome around the year 34. Their ship dropped anchor at Porto Vromi and Mary Magdalene came ashore to spread Christ’s gospel. The footprint can still be seen on the rock where she first stepped foot. Today at Maries, Panagia Mariesotissa is the church of the village, standing below the village and housing an icon with miraculous properties. In Maries these events are celebrated annually with a procession on July 22nd, which is the feast of Saint Mary Magdalene.

Saints and Feasts of July 22

On the twenty-second Mary Magdalene slept.

Holy Myrrhbearer and Equal to the Apostles 
Mary Magdalene

Saint Mary Magdalene Resource Page

Holy Virgin Martyr Markella of Chios

Saint Markella of Chios Resource Page

Venerable Menelaos the Wonderworker
Venerable Cornelius of Pereyaslavl

Saint Cornelius of Pereyaslavl (+ 1693)

Holy New Hieromartyr Michael Nakaryakov

Holy New Hieromartyr Michael Nakaryakov (+ 1918)

July 21, 2018


Hey folks!

Looking to raise some much needed funds and make some room in my apartment, so I'm selling most of my own personal icons and other ecclesiastical items, hoping you will be interested and help me out. Below I am beginning with some of my favorites, three of which (the ones with the wood carved frame) were museum pieces gifted to me (don't know anything about them unfortunately). These are all between 16 and 24 inches tall. Beautiful pieces for you collection.

I am selling them individually or collectively. All five are collectively $1,200.00 + shipping and handling (depending on where you live). Individual prices are below each icon. Please contact me at mystagogy@aol.com if you are interested or have any questions. First come first serve.

Thank you,

John Sanidopoulos

UPDATE: All items have been sold. More coming soon.

Depicts Christ (24x14). Hand painted icon with a carved wooden frame. Price: $400.
(Sold. No longer available.)

Depicts the Mother of God with the Christ Child (15x9). Hand painted icon with a carved wooden frame. Price: $300
 (Sold. No longer available.)

Depicts the Apostles Peter and Paul (18x13). Hand painted icon with a carved wooden frame. Price: $350
 (Sold. No longer available.)

A replica (exact look and proportionate size) of the famous Sinai icon of Christ (25x13). Price: $100
 (Sold. No longer available.)

An framed image of the Great Schema worn by monastics covered by glass (23x17). Price: $200
 (Sold. No longer available.)

Saints and Feasts of July 21

Feigning non-sensibility the sensible Symeon 
died on the twenty-first.

Venerable Symeon the Fool for Christ and John

Saint Symeon the Fool for Christ Resource Page

Holy Three Martyrs of Melitene

Holy Three Martyrs of Melitene

Holy Martyrs Justus and Matthias

Holy Martyrs Justus and Matthias

Holy Martyr Eugenios

Holy Martyr Eugenios

Holy Martyrs Theodore and George

Holy Martyrs Theodore and George

Holy Martyrs Theophilos, Trophimos 
and another Thirteen Martyrs With Them

Holy Martyrs Theophilos, Trophimos and another Thirteen Martyrs With Them

Saint Manuel II Palaiologos, Emperor of the Romans

Saint Manuel II Palaiologos, Emperor of the Romans (+ 1425)

Venerable Onouphrios the Silent of the Kiev Caves

Saint Onouphrios the Silent of the Kiev Caves

Saint Parthenios, Bishop of Radovisdiou

Saint Parthenios, Bishop of Radovisdiou (+ 1777)

Synaxis of the Theotokos in Armatios

Synaxis of the Theotokos in Armatios